Has a woman ever established a religion ?


Registered Senior Member
I’m just wonder if there were any woman that ever establish a religion, like Christ, Muhammad, Buda or Zarathustra ? If not, why ?
Some religions did venerate a woman like idol, but this wasn't the issue. I'd like to know if there ever exist an real historical person, a she, who realy established/reformed a religion.
As far as I know, all the religious real key figures were men, starting with jewish prophets, christian apostols, asian budists, or in islam, and I couldn't find in a history of religions any female.
Isn't it strange ?
There are a couple of modern-day sects founded by women:

Ellen White of the Seventh Day Adventists. If I understand correctly, she was viewed as some kind of prophet.

Mary Baker Eddy of the Christian Scientists.
comisaru said:
Some religions did venerate a woman like idol, but this wasn't the issue. I'd like to know if there ever exist an real historical person, a she, who realy established/reformed a religion.
As far as I know, all the religious real key figures were men, starting with jewish prophets, christian apostols, asian budists, or in islam, and I couldn't find in a history of religions any female.
Isn't it strange ?
well. itis the CLUE about the patriarchy and how they have taken over the meaing of religion which has caused such conflict
over the millenia!
Some of these are more cult-like, and some are elaborating on other religions, but I think it's proof that women are active in the field of religion generation.
WOMEN... gave birth to every man.

and no man does anything.. without the help of women.

and it is women.. who by nature.. teaches love and careing as behavior.
and this is genetic... instinctive.

men.. all learn this from women.

and it is from women that all concepts of kindness and love arises.

men.. as boys.. learn these things.. from the love of mothers.

All of the women are either crazy or are wanting to make money. You can hardly find anything about their teaching, and when you do most of it rhetoric.
Muslim said:
All of the women are either crazy or are wanting to make money. You can hardly find anything about their teaching, and when you do most of it rhetoric.

The Bible was written by men and it's crazy and so was the koran. Crazy is genderless. But if you want to take the credit, be my guest.
Muslim said:
All of the women are either crazy or are wanting to make money. You can hardly find anything about their teaching, and when you do most of it rhetoric.
As I said, women create religions, too! ;)
Muslim said:
All of the women are either crazy or are wanting to make money. You can hardly find anything about their teaching, and when you do most of it rhetoric.

prejudices. allah has prepared the hellfire for you.
Yes, Muslim, watch those stereotypes and prejudices. Keep the little old lady of your other thread in mind.
All of the women are either crazy or are wanting to make money. You can hardly find anything about their teaching, and when you do most of it rhetoric.

sound's like your religion!! :rolleyes:

My that freaking fatfreak on the video had the little girl all scared as hell!. She'll be an atheist by the time she hits ten!. :D
