Harvesting Pot


Registered Senior Member
Okay - I'm curious. How does this.....


turn into this;


I was at a party tongith where in the back yard (the couple are both musicians) there was a large section of the garden covered with the first picture-looking cannabis plant. And now I want to know how the hell it turns into the second picture (or what I buy in lunch bags)?
Well you see that top part of the plant? That turns into a big, giant "bud". When all the buds (usually 5 or 7 on females plants, males only produce leaves and pollen, only good for fertilizing females when seeds are wanted) are as big as they get, the plant is cut and hung upside down for about a week.

Its then trimmed and manicured, but basically all they do is dry the "bud" or flowering part of the female plant, bag it or turn it into hash or whatever.

Search around on google i'm sure you'll find a bunch of stuff.

Also, for serious info, go to www.overgrow.com they have a good FAQ and forums that work ont he same engine as these forums.

www.erowid.org for general, unbiased info on most drugs out there.
oh, Tyler, how many plants are legal to grow, in Canada? How much is legal for possession?
Thanks Nenar! How does the drying process work? (this is only out of personal interest)

Oh, and I don't think any posession is legal. But it's the standard deal here in Canada. The worst they ever do is take the pot they can see on you and say 'don't smoke pot'. I've been caught twice. They don't press charges (or so I here) unless you're caught with large amounts - as in, with intent to distribute.
Originally posted by Tyler
Thanks Nenar! How does the drying process work? (this is only out of personal interest)

Oh, and I don't think any posession is legal. But it's the standard deal here in Canada. The worst they ever do is take the pot they can see on you and say 'don't smoke pot'. I've been caught twice. They don't press charges (or so I here) unless you're caught with large amounts - as in, with intent to distribute.

In Canada they just tell you that?! Damn that's cool, over here if you get caught your in deep shit, and I could get exported back to the states. It happened to my friend. You're lucky..haha. But some states have changed their laws that if you get caught with obsession of weed, you would only pay a fine.
The drying process is done in an area around 25 degrees C, about 50% humidity. For commercial marijuana, they dry for about a week, and then package it. For homegrowers, they dry for about a week, and then "cure" it. Curing involves placing the marijuana in glass jars, opening them every few hours, for months at a time - it's time consuming yeah, but it makes for a wonderful taste, a more potent product, and it burns much better.

Drying, however, smells. Let's say i live in a suburban neighborhood, and wanted to dry, 4 female plants of low quality bud. Well, my neighbors across town would smell it. Even though it was dirt or shit weed, they would still smell it drying. up to 3 miles away for really strong stuff.

There's products out there to get rid of the smell, carbon filters, ionizers, though ozonators are the best ones out there.

Me myself, me and a buddy had (have) a grow going, we don't talk that much now, we didn't get out there in time and now i'm sure all the plants are fertilized so they will go to seed this fall when nobody goes to harvest all the bud - but thats okay, now there will be MORE plants next year than this year, and hopefully i can get out there and harvest next year. I dunno.