Harvard Study: Cheating students 'more likely to want a job in Government'


Valued Senior Member
A study by a group at Harvard Study and U of P published in National Bureau of Economic Research found that lazy and dishonest students are 'more likely to want a job in Government'.

Big shocker there - it's a story as old as time itself. Of course lazy dishonest people want to work in a monopoly (of force) - they'd never make it in the free-market where the only way to make a living in through voluntary trade. Or at least not very far.

The study found that students who wanted to enter public service were also less likely to demonstrate prosocial behavior, or voluntary behavior intended to benefit other people or society as a whole.

Once you understand that Government is a monopoly on the initiation of force against innocent people - this study makes perfectly good sense. The same Government you want to house the poor and heal the sick is the largest polluter in history, spent $59 billion dollars building a spy complex to keep an eye on it's tax cattle (You) and is still killing women and children in double tap bombing raids in other countries. It's still bailing out WallStreet while most 'Citizens' can barely get by.
A study by a group at Harvard Study and U of P published in National Bureau of Economic Research found that lazy and dishonest students are 'more likely to want a job in Government'.

Big shocker there - it's a story as old as time itself. Of course lazy dishonest people want to work in a monopoly (of force) - they'd never make it in the free-market where the only way to make a living in through voluntary trade. Or at least not very far.

The study found that students who wanted to enter public service were also less likely to demonstrate prosocial behavior, or voluntary behavior intended to benefit other people or society as a whole.

Once you understand that Government is a monopoly on the initiation of force against innocent people - this study makes perfectly good sense. The same Government you want to house the poor and heal the sick is the largest polluter in history, spent $59 billion dollars building a spy complex to keep an eye on it's tax cattle (You) and is still killing women and children in double tap bombing raids in other countries. It's still bailing out WallStreet while most 'Citizens' can barely get by.

Your link does not support your claims - one of those minor details again. :)
Your link does not support your claims - one of those minor details again. :)
I linked the Journal, Joe.

Here's a newspaper article if you couldn't be bothered to read the study: Cheating students more likely to want government jobs, study finds.

"Overall, we find that dishonest individuals -- as measured by the dice task -- prefer to enter government service," wrote Hanna and coauthor Shing-yi Wang, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

"Importantly, we show that cheating on this task is also predictive of fraudulent behaviors by real government officials," they said. Hanna said that the same test conducted on government nurses showed that those who cheated with the dice were also more likely to be absent from work.

In the second experiment, students were given a certain amount of money and were asked to donate some to their preferred charity. Researchers said that for each rupee they donate, the sum given to the charity would double. They found that participants who had kept more money for themselves wanted a government job.
I linked the Journal, Joe.

Here's a newspaper article if you couldn't be bothered to read the study: Cheating students more likely to want government jobs, study finds.

"Overall, we find that dishonest individuals -- as measured by the dice task -- prefer to enter government service," wrote Hanna and coauthor Shing-yi Wang, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.

"Importantly, we show that cheating on this task is also predictive of fraudulent behaviors by real government officials," they said. Hanna said that the same test conducted on government nurses showed that those who cheated with the dice were also more likely to be absent from work.

In the second experiment, students were given a certain amount of money and were asked to donate some to their preferred charity. Researchers said that for each rupee they donate, the sum given to the charity would double. They found that participants who had kept more money for themselves wanted a government job.

Yeah, little details, the study was conducted in India. :)That doesn't mean it's applicable everywhere or anywhere else. You were being more than a little deceptive. Anyone who knows anything about India knows they have a big problem with corruption of local government officials. They don't have a civil service like we have here in the states.

This may come as a surprise to you but corruption is not limited to government (e.g. Enron).
Yeah, little details, the study was conducted in India. :)That doesn't mean it's applicable everywhere or anywhere else. You were being more than a little deceptive. Anyone who knows anything about India knows they have a big problem with corruption of local government officials. They don't have a civil service like we have here in the states.

This may come as a surprise to you but corruption is not limited to government (e.g. Enron).
And? Lot's of studies are conducted all over the world. But I'll remember this the next time you pick out small oil-rich norsk speaking monocultural countries or tiny island-nations living off the fat of ex-empire as your examples (See: The English love their NHS [which many most certainly do not]).

Anyone who knows anything about India knows they have a big problem with corruption of local government officials.

Are you nuts? The USA is so utterly corrupt it MADE UP total bullshit excuses to invade and occupy TWO NATIONS. For f*cks sake, the USA is probably the most corrupt nation on planet earth. It's been spying on it's own 'Free' Tax Cattle for decades. Not to mention the criminal banking syndicates that actually run the USA or the millions of examples of local corruption - Jesus, a man was recently pulled over and repeatedly anally raped as two police Officers of the State as they 'searched for drugs' in his anus for 14 HOURS. Oh, nooos - to Joe the USA is the Land of the Free and Home of the LandLord. Paradise on Earth - if you're a banker.

I didn't say Enron or other private groups of individuals aren't 'corrupt' - that's the main reason why we need a free-market, to get rid of the corruption. The study provides more evidence of what anyone who's ever been employed in a large public institute knows all too well. You do know what 'evidence' is Joe?
And? Lot's of studies are conducted all over the world. But I'll remember this the next time you pick out small oil-rich norsk speaking monocultural countries or tiny island-nations living off the fat of ex-empire as your examples (See: The English love their NHS [which many most certainly do not]).

Anyone who knows anything about India knows they have a big problem with corruption of local government officials.

Are you nuts? The USA is so utterly corrupt it MADE UP total bullshit excuses to invade and occupy TWO NATIONS. For f*cks sake, the USA is probably the most corrupt nation on planet earth. It's been spying on it's own 'Free' Tax Cattle for decades. Not to mention the criminal banking syndicates that actually run the USA or the millions of examples of local corruption - Jesus, a man was recently pulled over and repeatedly anally raped as two police Officers of the State as they 'searched for drugs' in his anus for 14 HOURS. Oh, nooos - to Joe the USA is the Land of the Free and Home of the LandLord. Paradise on Earth - if you're a banker.

I didn't say Enron or other private groups of individuals aren't 'corrupt' - that's the main reason why we need a free-market, to get rid of the corruption. The study provides more evidence of what anyone who's ever been employed in a large public institute knows all too well. You do know what 'evidence' is Joe?

LOL, you do that. I don't make illogical comparisons. You on the other hand do. India has a corrupt civil service. We do not. We have corrupt elected officials. Your study was about civil servants. The US has done a very good job of purging corruption from civil servants. The meme you are trying to pass off, that government workers are lazy and corrupt, just doesn't fly in the light of day...especially in modern wealthy countries in Europe, Asia, and North America.

Unfortunately for you and your ideology, free markets are not the panacea for all ills. Free markets do nothing to thwart corruption. And again unfortunately for your libertarian, endlessly repeating ideological nonsense is not evidence. It is just more nonsense.
Big shocker there - it's a story as old as time itself. Of course lazy dishonest people want to work in a monopoly
Sounds to me like the same people who think government service is for lazy and dishonest people are the kinds of people who cheat a lot in other aspects of their lives.

So who around here, in the US and similar places, thinks government service is ideal for lazy and dishonest people?
I am sure anyone whom goes to harvard, or unis like oxford or cambridge at least over last 20 years has the attention of gov.

So its not surprising.
The difference between government and the private sector is the private sector makes money and government makes power. Money is about innovation and efficiencies both of which need a basis in hard reality. One can fudge data in the short term but eventually you need proof of concept to make up the money invested.

Power is more about politics which is less based on tangible reality as it is on subjectivity and spin. Cheating is not based on one's talent in reality but attempts to create an illusion. It is the training ground for lying and cheating needed for power. With power, like ObamaCare, one can cheat until it is too late to turn back. Even when it is failing and is over budget for everyone, power is not concerned with efficiency in reality but making more power out of a worse situation; bigger government is needed to solve the problem.

Say you work for the city and the city needed to dig a hole, there may be one guy digging, while four men stand round the hole. This is not about making money since the private sector would try to use only the manpower needed, such as one hole digger and one supervisor. But with government, the four supervisors implies someone is the boss of four supervisors, thereby placing them higher in the power structure. If there was only one supervisor near the hole he is demoted in power. Since this inefficient such that power costs more, that means he is in charge of more money which also places him higher in the power chain. This situation is hard to change, especially for democrats, since power does not like efficiency since it is like a demotion as manpower and funding diminish.

If you look at political campaigns cheating is business as usual, especially for those who like big government. Harry Reid changed the rules for judge appointments in the Senate to cheat the system by by-passing checks and balances. This was needed because lying was becoming less effective as people started to wake up.
The difference between government and the private sector is the private sector makes money and government makes power. Money is about innovation and efficiencies both of which need a basis in hard reality. One can fudge data in the short term but eventually you need proof of concept to make up the money invested.

If that statement were not so idiotic it would be funny. But unfortunately there are a lot of morons out there particularly when it comes to people of this particular political ideology. It’s pretty obvious the author knows nothing of power, government, private industry, or economics. It would be difficult make a dummier statement.

Power is more about politics which is less based on tangible reality as it is on subjectivity and spin. Cheating is not based on one's talent in reality but attempts to create an illusion. It is the training ground for lying and cheating needed for power. With power, like ObamaCare, one can cheat until it is too late to turn back. Even when it is failing and is over budget for everyone, power is not concerned with efficiency in reality but making more power out of a worse situation; bigger government is needed to solve the problem.

Say you work for the city and the city needed to dig a hole, there may be one guy digging, while four men stand round the hole. This is not about making money since the private sector would try to use only the manpower needed, such as one hole digger and one supervisor. But with government, the four supervisors implies someone is the boss of four supervisors, thereby placing them higher in the power structure. If there was only one supervisor near the hole he is demoted in power. Since this inefficient such that power costs more, that means he is in charge of more money which also places him higher in the power chain. This situation is hard to change, especially for democrats, since power does not like efficiency since it is like a demotion as manpower and funding diminish.

If you look at political campaigns cheating is business as usual, especially for those who like big government. Harry Reid changed the rules for judge appointments in the Senate to cheat the system by by-passing checks and balances. This was needed because lying was becoming less effective as people started to wake up.

All social power is political. Politics is the influencing of people. People influence each other both inside and outside of government. I suggest you spend a few months looking up the definitions of the words you use. Maybe then you can use them coherently, but I wouldn’t bet it. To say as you have that politics happens in government but not in private industry is just plain dumb, but it is consistent for you.

I suggest you try to get a real world job. You might learn something, but then again in your case maybe not.

By the way, if you think Democrats are liars or somehow more corrupt than Republicans, prove it. But you cannot, one because you don't have the intellectual horse power and two, and most importantly, those facts don't exist. And the reason Reid and Democrats in the Senate changed the filibuster rules are several fold. One Republicans, to the detriment of the nation, have used the filibuster to prevent and delay judicial appointments, not because the nominees were not qualified but for purely partisan political reasons. Two, Democrats and specifically Harry Reid had brokered at least two deals on the filibuster each of which was promptly broken by Republicans in the Senate. Three, it wasn’t and isn’t Democrats who are changing election rules, some at the last minute, in order to manipulate election results. Republicans have been doing that for years now. It wasn’t Democrats who through unprecedented judicial action installed a Republican as president over the popular vote. It wasn’t the Democrats who threatened the health and wellbeing of the nation not once but twice by threatening to let the nation default if the majority didn’t accede to their demands.

The facts are Democrats are more honest and more moral than their Republican colleagues. They have not threatened the health and wellbeing of the nation. The facts are Democrats are for election reforms that take special interest money out of our elections. Democrats are for a more democratic society. The fact is Democratic entertainers still ascribe to journalistic standards and their Republican counterparts do not. And Democrats have enacted legislation that benefits the nation and the middle class. Republicans cannot honestly make that claim. Democrats don't deny facts and science as their Republican counterparts do each and every day.
Is this the "Harvard Study"?

"College students who cheated on a simple task were more likely to want government jobs, researchers from Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania found in a study of hundreds of students in Bangalore, India."

Maybe this says more about Indian Government than American Government.
That's if it says anything at all.

Anyway, is cheating always wrong?
Cheating might have been the quickest way to get a task done with no harm to anyone.
There are "white lies". Why not "white cheating"?