Hare Krishna ?


Registered Senior Member
Are the Hare Krishan just a bunch of posers who are upset that they can't be Indian? :D

I luagh at their "wanting to Enlighten the world with their philosophy, and use of SanSkrit :lol:
No different than any other religion. What's the big deal? I figure they're either undercover cops or very well organized drug traffickers. Airport's a great place for either.
PsychoticEpisode said:
No different than any other religion. What's the big deal? I figure they're either undercover cops or very well organized drug traffickers. Airport's a great place for either.

my point exactly, a re they really a cult? I know they are registered as a religion, but that isn't hard to do. I think that there are over 10,000 religions registered under the united nations.

So my question is, since most Hare Krishna seem to get bad press that proves their action do not coincide and actually contradicts their beliefs, is this because most of them are caucasoid and not of asian descent?

Sonds kind of blanket to ask such question, but hwat do i know about religion, very little! :confused:
ArtofWar said:
my point exactly, a re they really a cult? I know they are registered as a religion, but that isn't hard to do. I think that there are over 10,000 religions registered under the united nations.

So my question is, since most Hare Krishna seem to get bad press that proves their action do not coincide and actually contradicts their beliefs, is this because most of them are caucasoid and not of asian descent?

Sounds kind of blanket to ask such question, but what do i know about religion, very little! :confused:

Not many whites ever joined the "Black Muslims". Does it really matter what skin color The HK's members have or what is their heritage?

Right now you are not as confused as you will be if you continue to search for answers from any religion.
Isn't it easy to belittle what one does not understand?
Perhaps if you read the Gita and the upanishads and the vedas you might have a better understanding of the 'theory' at least.
You'll find lots of quantum physics in those writings, too.
They are just people, many are very sincere seekers of Truth.
If they get bad publicity in Amerika, that would 'recommend' them, as far as I can see... for greater study.