Hard news on Gay marriage front


Registered Senior Member
OK I'm very pro here, but wanted more to discuss hard news. Now I hear Massachusetes is examinging it at the supreme level. And a case is winding through New Jersey. In my own state of Oregon, we have an interesting situation. The laws don't specifically ban gay marriage (like the Defense Of Morons Act), and we do share contracts with Canada. A couple recently got married a short ways away in BC, and came back. Their status is still up in the air though.

Anybody got anything else? Curious if it's really a done deal in Canada. Will it for sure be all provinces? Will it be any? Far as I heard, it's a losing cause for the nonthinkers.

Yeah, just caught the subject line...not changing it.
donno about all the provinces but Alberta is in the process of legally making it only for man + woman.

there's one problem with this new law in ontario and BC.
anyone can get married but in order to get a divorce, the divorcees have to live in Canada for at least a year.

some american gay couples from the states that "tied the knot" up here and wanted to divorce after a week's time got a little surprise when they returned to Canada. and they can't divorce in the US cause their marriage is not recognized there.
I could care less.

Let them marry, don't let them marry.

Big deal, gays are of no importance to humanity.
Originally posted by Crystal
Big deal, gays are of no importance to humanity.

In what sense? In the general sense that nothing really matters? If that's true, then you don't matter either. Does that somehow give me a right to walk all over you and act as though your rights are mine to restrict, and that I can just play with your life at will as though I somehow have any right to screw with you, and you have no claim at all to your own to human rights?

back on topic:

As I understand there is currently a case challenging the state of Arizona's prohibition of homosexual marriages, though I don't think that it is going to go federal. Just one more drop in the bucket.
No need to feed trolls, unless they're in the government (or the president). I was looking and apparently MA does not have a DOMA. If the supreme court acts, it will be legal in MA. That would of course set up a battle with the federal law which would wind up in the US supreme court.
I heard that the gays are putting a motion to change the bible from saying Adam and Eve to Adam and Steve.

Any news on gay divorces? or do the groom and groom live happily ever after.
Reminder about feeding trolls

Especially one particularly bad troll that's ban translated into lots of languages.
Originally posted by Flores
I heard that the gays are putting a motion to change the bible from saying Adam and Eve to Adam and Steve.

Yes, because our battle is to invalidate the heterosexual life style and subvert all traditional values, and not in fact, to lift the legislative oppression that keeps us from living normall lives.

Curses, once again Flores has undercovered the conspiracy's evil goal.
life's too short. . .people deserve the right to be happy. if that means gay people getting married, let them.
haha that's an oooold gay joke. one we've got at my uni that goes:

"what do you call a straight person at _____?
a freshman"