Happy New Year


Registered Senior Member
This is to wish all you nice people out there a happy new year.
May the bird of paradise fly up your nose.

New year's resolutions- anyone got any good ones?

Mine's to pull fewer sickies at work.
You can lose 32 ounces by entering a sauna for 30 minutes. Jockies do that all the time before a race. :D
Really?,i dont know...

i can give anything a try...i used to be a great table tennis player during my HS days,but after SATs and college i have grown into a chump...

I hope that all here at Sciforums have a Happy New Year. That you find in this upcoming year that which you truely seek. May your quest be enlightening.
Make it lucky!

Happy New Year To You All!
Lots of Luck, Money and Love!

May we all find the meaning of Life the Universe and Everything.(And don't tell me the answer is 32.)

Anyway, I'm just going to write Happy New Year! and blow my hypothetical patented acme paperstreaming whistle..... *whizzz!*

And then try and gatecrash a scotsmans house with a lump of coal. (Cheap admission price)

Of course thats the alter-reality, in truth I'll be sitting here as dull as dish water realising I do something similiar each year... it resembles nothing :mad: One year ther ewill be something to do.... Like.... well The dishes....

At least my explaination of a boring New Year start should be enough to make yours a better one ;)
Uh nuts is it that time again. I must have spent too much time at sciforums. I must spend more time in 2002 doing something more useful, right?

Oh well, have a happy 2002 everyone.

According to cnn poll I just took 73% celebrated Happy New Year from their home, 2% from their work and rest Partying....

Happy New Year - 2002