Happy Easter!


Registered Senior Member
Just wishing everyone a happy Easter. I hope you're all good Easter bunnies and hop into church and hop out again today lol. (but then you'll probably find a hole to hide in for the rest of the year and not come out again until next easter lol). But anyway hope everyone puts on at least another Kg from all the chocolates they get given.

And if my timing is off, then sorry but I'm in Australia and it's just turned Sunday here :D

May the Ostern Hare's visit be bountiful!

We must all work to take Bunny Day back from the religous cults and return the holiday to its true purpose: a celebration of spring and the renewal of life that occurs with the season, not the perveted motif stolen by the xian's who invented a myth about a zombie that saves humanity.

Children know the truth! Its about candy and egg hunts! Screw the zombie!
SkinWalker said:
May the Ostern Hare's visit be bountiful!

We must all work to take Bunny Day back from the religous cults and return the holiday to its true purpose: a celebration of spring and the renewal of life that occurs with the season, not the perveted motif stolen by the xian's who invented a myth about a zombie that saves humanity.

Children know the truth! Its about candy and egg hunts! Screw the zombie!
Welcome spring with all your heart, everyone! :D
*eats a chocolate bar*

A bunny visited me today, scared the crap out of me. My mom called me and told me to go to church tonight, I said, "okay." Yeah, I'm not going. Goodnight!
QuarkMoon at least you know your mum cares about your soul, even if you don't. Maybe if you went to church you'd learn to honour your mum and dad, but I guess you'd have to honour what they say about going to church, in order to go, in order to find out to honour what they say about going to church. So you're in a very confusing predicament. Or am I? I need sleep.
answers said:
QuarkMoon at least you know your mum cares about your soul, even if you don't. Maybe if you went to church you'd learn to honour your mum and dad, but I guess you'd have to honour what they say about going to church, in order to go, in order to find out to honour what they say about going to church. So you're in a very confusing predicament. Or am I? I need sleep.

Yes, you are confused. It happens when you worship imaginary characters and live your life according to a book. Now, excuse me while I go pray at my Harry Potter shrine. That darn Snape! :mad: