Happy Birthday EmptyForceOfChi, ...


... 21 today, according to his blurb.

Not seen him online for a while, shame, because I have some questions for him, about some contradictions he has posted about himself.

He says he is a disciplined martial artist, and says it's all about respect, self control etc.

He says he's been in jail.

He says he owns guns.

That cannot mean firearms, legally, as convicted criminals aren't allowed firearms, and if the sentence was long enough, aren't even legally allowed to own air weapons. So does this disciplined martial artist break the law?

He says he's seen people shot and stabbed. He says he has to use his martial arts on the street to defend himself 'all the time' because his area is rough.

I've lived in rough areas, and got in two fights in about three years. If you don't go looking for it, trouble doesn't catch up with you. Does a disciplined martial artist go looking for trouble?

He said he shot a gun, and it kept jamming. This, above all other things, got me thinking. I used to shoot, before the ban, and could happily rattle through several magazines worth of reloaded 9mm from a cheapo Spanish 'Star' semi-auto pistol without a single jam.

So, this 'gun' empty was shooting, was it an 8mm blank firer, illegally converted to shoot 'live' rounds? Is that why it was unreliable? Was that what he did time in the slammer for owning?

Or is he a sad fantasist?

Maybe I should have made this a poll.
phlogistician said:
... 21 today, according to his blurb.

Not seen him online for a while, shame, because I have some questions for him, about some contradictions he has posted about himself.

He says he is a disciplined martial artist, and says it's all about respect, self control etc.

He says he's been in jail.

He says he owns guns.

That cannot mean firearms, legally, as convicted criminals aren't allowed firearms, and if the sentence was long enough, aren't even legally allowed to own air weapons. So does this disciplined martial artist break the law?

He says he's seen people shot and stabbed. He says he has to use his martial arts on the street to defend himself 'all the time' because his area is rough.

I've lived in rough areas, and got in two fights in about three years. If you don't go looking for it, trouble doesn't catch up with you. Does a disciplined martial artist go looking for trouble?

He said he shot a gun, and it kept jamming. This, above all other things, got me thinking. I used to shoot, before the ban, and could happily rattle through several magazines worth of reloaded 9mm from a cheapo Spanish 'Star' semi-auto pistol without a single jam.

So, this 'gun' empty was shooting, was it an 8mm blank firer, illegally converted to shoot 'live' rounds? Is that why it was unreliable? Was that what he did time in the slammer for owning?

Or is he a sad fantasist?

Maybe I should have made this a poll.

IMO, fantaisist; however, I should point out real evidence I have observed.

My best friend is a martial-maniac and the number of fights he gets into with the general public has increased 10 fold + he has ended up in jail since he began.

I'v love 9mm guns and can rarely ever go through 2 mags without a Jam. It's probably just the quality of guns. I've never had a jam with a shotgun and I've only used 9 rounders (millitary shotguns).
Happy Birthday too yuuuuu
happy birrthday too yuuuuuu
HAPPYbirrthday EmptyForceofChiiiiiiiiiiiii
appy birthday to YOuuuu
It's something called a 'Rock River' and as far as ammo is concerned... I use whatever is being sold at a range.
Crunchy Cat said:
It's something called a 'Rock River' and as far as ammo is concerned... I use whatever is being sold at a range.

I just googled them, seems they make Colt clones, and conversion kits for rifles and pistols. Maybe you were using a poorly assembled conversion, because their fully assembled custom pistols are pretty frikking expensive, and one would hope, of some quality therefore.

If the ammunition is letting you down, get some cheapo mil-spec stuff. Not as reliable as match grade, but inexspensive, and will at least go 'bang' when you want it to. Nothing ruins your concentration in competitions as much as a misfire, and you just can't put up with that in practical pistol comps, where time counts.

Meanwhile, where's Empty I wonder?
phlogistician said:
I just googled them, seems they make Colt clones, and conversion kits for rifles and pistols. Maybe you were using a poorly assembled conversion, because their fully assembled custom pistols are pretty frikking expensive, and one would hope, of some quality therefore.

If the ammunition is letting you down, get some cheapo mil-spec stuff. Not as reliable as match grade, but inexspensive, and will at least go 'bang' when you want it to. Nothing ruins your concentration in competitions as much as a misfire, and you just can't put up with that in practical pistol comps, where time counts.

Meanwhile, where's Empty I wonder?

Yep, they are expensive and it could be just a poor implementation or *maybe* an ammo issue. I appreciate the advice and the point I was trying to make is that guns do jam :).

I consequently only go to the range with friends to blow the shit out of targets (no competition... just good ol fashioned destructive fun). We go through ammo like water.
You can own guns if you've been in jail -- just not if you were in for a felony charge.

I've no idea what EmptyForceofChi's charge was for though.

And yes, mmm, guns. :D

- N
Neildo said:
You can own guns if you've been in jail -- just not if you were in for a felony charge.

I've no idea what EmptyForceofChi's charge was for though.

And yes, mmm, guns. :D

- N

Er, Hello, Empty lives in England? Under ENGLISH LAW you lose your FAC (Firearms Certificate) if you go to jail. Not that people can legally possess semi auto pistols anymore, even with a valid FAC.
Sorry, I didn't know he's from England. Pardon my American ASSumption. ;)

I just found it odd to be talking about guns and all that with someone from there, heh.

- N
Neildo said:
Sorry, I didn't know he's from England. Pardon my American ASSumption. ;)

I just found it odd to be talking about guns and all that with someone from there, heh.

- N

It's often wrongly assumed that you can't own guns in the UK. It's just that there are lots of safeguards to stop bad guys getting them, so few people can be bothered, unless they have a genuine need, and that works just fine.

Unfortunately, thanks to a couple of whack jobs going on death sprees, what we are allowed to own has been reduced, so short barrelled pistols got banned, after a psycho adult gunned down a bunch of schoolchildren with some, and the capacity of shotguns was limited, after a previous psycho went on a rampage and shot up a bunch of people in a city centre. These were tragic incidents, avoidable, and the reaction was a complete knee jerk, and our access to firearms is now quite limited, sadly, because I used to enjoy shooting.
These were tragic incidents, avoidable, and the reaction was a complete knee jerk, and our access to firearms is now quite limited, sadly, because I used to enjoy shooting.

It's a good thing nobody has gone on a home-run spree with a baseball bat in town centre, gone on a ninja slicing spree with a katana, or hey, even just beat the crap out of everyone with their fists. I'd have to have everyone's hands cut off because of that. :bugeye:

- N
guns are illegal in england period, so if i have a criminal record that does not matter because i still ownt hem illegally int he first place,

thanks for wishing me a happy birthday though, it was sweet,

and the guns we get over here arent your nice clean store bought kind, we dont have the luxury of going into a store and buying a gu, we have to buy it illegally and it might be a boared out blank pistol, might even be a converted BB gun, who knows, but there all unreliable, i have never owned a pistol that even looks brand new,

we dont also get the luxury of choosing out brand of ammo, we just get what we can and shove it in, the only guns we can legally own here are shotguns, but i am not allowed a shotgun license yet i dont think,

So empty, you aren't some honourable warrior, you're just some low rent gangsta.

That fits alongside your ego.

Anyway, it's only a matter of time before Operation Trident mops up you scumbags and you'll be back behind bars. Enjoy your freedom while it lasts.