happy b'day jesus ole buddy


A Glorious Christmas Season;
Glittering Lights and glistening snow.
So many presents 'neath my tree,
Thank you God, for the means to bestow...

The Season brings out our best sometimes.
Sometimes it doesn't, for,
We fear we cannot meet the demands,
Of each giftbearer, at our door...

Happy, still, I cannot help,
Feeling a little blue,
For the merriest Christmas was long ago,
When our Savior made His debut...

Not merry St. Nick with mistletoe,
Or stockings filled with joy;
But a woman who labored for hours,
And produced a miraculous baby Boy...


blasphemer! i cast you down!
down into the fiery pits of hell!

(i believe the good marquis awaits your arrival)

Wha? You mean I'm not in hell already?


Bloody Christmas carols and seasonal cheer. I'm going to shoot myself.
you are alive and no one, not even God, can take that away from you...

I am God.

But I haaaate this season. Example:

Music is my reason for life. I would shrivel up and die without good music.

So what the hell do they think they are doing, playing horrible, shitty Xmas carols? I'm going around with my portable cd player with Manson and Rotting Christ at full volume - but it's not enough.

*Xev collapses into a sobbing wreck*
You know what's funny?

I used to work with a dude named Jesus, and his birthday is 12/25. :D

So yeah, Happy Birthday, Jesus Olivarra, wherever the heck you're at nowadays... :p
Uhm...... I know this will come as surprise but you guyz may not have heard: Jesus is dead.

Kind of sad maybe, but true nonetheless.
so, it was more important that jesus was born than it was that YOU were born? i find that kind of silly.
Originally posted by pumpkinsaren'torange
:confused: why?

he saves, i don't. he's in the saving business, i'm in the needing lot's-of-saving business.:eek:

save yourself girl. jesus is dead.

unlitmately, only you are qualified to save you. others can help, but it's up to you. *shrug*

(don't blame me, I didn't make up the whole arrow of time, people can murder other people thing, I just keeps my eyes open and try not to get squashed)
no sweat, Wes, at least you aren't mean or offensive about it. don't worry, i think i feel more curiosity in you than mallice...if you'd like to chat, we can. :)
no, but, i was brought-up in the faith. the reason that i don't go to church right now, is that i would feel a tad hypocritcal, so, i won't go until i feel on-the-level with it. know what i mean..

someday soon, i will take the plunge, and re-commit myself.