I was thinking a lot lately on what makes people happy, it's one of the most important questions of human existence. I also think I have figured it out. It isn't money, it isn't sex, it isn't power, health, popularity, attractiveness, are even intelligence. It's performance, the ability to achieve your goals no matter what they may be. If you can't achieve your goals you will be forever unsatisfied but if you do achieve them you will be satisfied and content. Now together let us logically analyze the ops assumption.
Here is my opinion: Happiness is directly linked to your trend of being selfish or not. This does not defines ‘happiness’ per-se, but gives you a hint.
You probably have many years to live yet, so I propose you an experiment:
1. Take 1 year in your life, and live it in a completely selfish way; where you are the most important priority and nothing else is more important than yourself. After that year, measures your ‘happiness’.
2. The second year, you would do the opposite: live your life in such a way where your most important priority is to bring wellness to others, in any possible way. In this stage, you are not more important than others, others are your goal (known people AND people you do not actually know). Every decision you take this year is made taking into account how it would affect –positively or negatively- to others, even… when such decision is not convenient* for you. After this year, measure your ‘happiness’ again.
In my opinion, happiness is chemical reaction that is triggered in our minds (not body), when we specifically behave in a determinate manner. There is also ‘false happiness’: the cutting-edge way of feeling in modern times; where you are taught to fill yourself with as much material things as you can, under the believe that this will bring you ‘happiness’: this is junk food for the soul.
So, your quote: “It's performance, the ability to achieve your goals no matter what they may be.”, brings me a question: what’s next, after you have achieved your goals?, what is left?, what is your legacy after you have successfully completed your personal goals in life?: the satisfaction you might feel for the things you have done for Yourself: in my opinion, is not happiness. Happiness –in my opinion- in a state of mind triggered when you act exactly the opposite way: where bringing wellness to others, is your way of living.