hands on wild animals


Unbelievable and odd
Registered Senior Member

First of all, some nature-fanatics may find this thread annoying, so if you're one, get away...... (ummm, I wonder if there's any tho)
Okay, I have some grudges with nature here (not a big grudge, don't worry about me burning forests *sets bush fire*), that is, I just can't figure out how to catch some wild animals: lizards & geckos, birds (grrrrrrrr). I wonder if the old tactics food-luring will always work for this.....

Well, yes, the food attraction works good on birds and squirrels. I haven't caught any, but only because I never had intention to catch. I did have random pigeons, ducks, and squirrels eat from my hand. What you have to do, is get plenty of food, throw it to the animal, each piece landing a little closer to you. You have to be very quiet and make few movements.
any tips for luring nad/or catching reptiles? (no snakes and crocs for sure.....)
uh.... hahahahaha... actually I love 'admiring' things close-up...... no pets...... I once caught (lured, but forcefully) an 'tiny iguana' only to lift it up, look at its every side and then release it back. Naughty me? Sure.
Those "humane" traps will catch almost anything. My squirrel trap has caught birds on numerous occasions.
bird nets and traps specially made for lizards. i've used both with much success. but you have to know how to get the bird out of the net or you could cause it lots of unnecessary discomfort and you may possibly not be able to free it so don't try it unless you have bird experience.
Well, all caution to the wind, lizards like flies. If you put a slip knot and made a loop (snare) at the end of a few feet of some cotton string (fish line could hurt them) then suspend it from the end of a stick, you can sneak up to them and lower it over their head and snap 'em up. They don't move as they are hoping it is dinner coming to them. I've caught quite a few lizards this way only to let them go within a few minutes or so.
I'm a nature fanatic but don't see the problem with catching things just to look at them, thats cool in my opinion, admirable even, its cool that you're that interested.
I do it myself.
The thing is on top of wanting to look at the creatures, deep down I love hunting, with a passion. But I would never be able to justify harming something with "it was fun".
So I stalk things and run them down and ambush them etc, but then just let them go.
I'd really love to go wild boar hunting with dogs, but at the same time I think its one of the most disgustingly cruel practices on earth due to the kind of animal pigs are.
So I'm just waiting for robot boars.
Actually I'd love to hunt humans with dogs, seriously, oh man would I enjoy that immensely, particularly if they were known animal abusers themselves.
I've never caught a bird, but I've caught lizards, insects, small mammals and my favourite is catching puffer fish with my hands. I methodically herd them into shallow pools with only one way out past me and when they try to dart past me I keep my feet still and zoom my hands over where they are to make a shadow and they dig under my feet to hide then its as simple as bending over and grabbing them.

Yeah I got no trap advice, and now i think about it I am kind of anti-trap, especially if you leave them in there for any length of time, they got shit that needs doing.
You should just try to catch them, go out and walk around in the environment to get a feel and then think up a way to outsmart them. That should be easy for humans shouldn't it?
well, Mr Chips... sounds very logical to me. The 'lil iguana' I 'caught' was actually having a meal when I first found it, and of course, it went angry when I tried to disturb it, so I left, only to return and found it finished eating. When I reached my hand to it, it didn't move, so I had easy time luring it to my hand. Other lizards which were not eating anything just ran away when I wave to them....
And you're amusing me Dr. Lou. That's so encouraging.
Dr. Lou: Even the humane traps are kinda bad news... my dad uses them for trapping squirrels, and then sometimes fails to realize that he caught anything, so later you find the closed trap with a flat, dried squirrel in the bottom. (Animals die bloody fast if you leave them in the sun, so you have to check morning & afternoon.)

Some animals will hurt themselves trying to escape, others won't. Some birds are particularly stupid (pigeon types) and will get their heads stuck in things and strangle... probably you could trap such birds very easily with a noose proposition, but it's doubtful that they would survive, so I'd only do that if you were going to eat them. I have little experience with lizards, so I don't know how smart they are.

I hear you can trap some birds using those plastic beer can loops...
curioucity said:

First of all, some nature-fanatics may find this thread annoying, so if you're one, get away...... (ummm, I wonder if there's any tho)
Okay, I have some grudges with nature here (not a big grudge, don't worry about me burning forests *sets bush fire*), that is, I just can't figure out how to catch some wild animals: lizards & geckos, birds (grrrrrrrr). I wonder if the old tactics food-luring will always work for this.....


Why is it you want to catch these animals in the first place?
as I said somewhere in this thread: merely admiring them. But it may go more than that though. Tell you what, I once kept a praying mantis but failed to let it reproduce, which saddened me. That's why, I'm not keeping animals now, I just want to watch them playing around on my hand.
Sometimes when you mess around with critters you can hurt them without knowing that you did. You also have germs on your skin that sometimes can cause other animals problems when you touch them. There are many drawings, images and dead critters around to view instead of messing around with live ones. Leave them alone if you really want to help. Would you like to be picked up and played around with by something 100 times larger than yourself?