Hairy frog breaks own bones to sprout claws

Those oxygen-supplying, mutated dermal papillae look kind of a "mossy color" in that picture. Aquatic camouflage for when the male is caring for the eggs in the water for those lengthy periods? Or maybe just hitchhiking algae from the same, rather than inherent.

The indigenous folk there have a traditional myth of the hirsute frog originally falling from the sky. Of course, that's one of the anecdotal phenomena which the Fortean genre covers from time to time: Raining spiders, fish, snakes, chestnuts during the wrong season, etc.
I guess for them it's an ill wind that blows no frogs.

I'd like to be there when it rains axolotls. They avoid metamorphosis by lacking thyroids (kind of like muppets). Provided they don't cannibalize their kin during the larval stage, which ups their iodine and triggers full development, they will keep their external gills through adulthood, a kind of neotony.
A sharp-snouted turtle found in China often submerges its head in puddles on dry land, a mystery given that these animals breathe air. Now, scientists say they've figured out why: The Chinese soft-shelled turtle (Pelodiscus sinensis) can essentially pee from its mouth.

The turtles excrete urea, the main component of urine, through the gills in their mouths, a talent previously seen only in fish, the scientists reported in October in the Journal of Experimental Biology. This may be an adaption to the turtles' salty environment. Because they can't get enough freshwater to wash urea out through their urine, they transport it through their gills and then rinse their urea-filled mouths out with saltwater. And you thought flossing was bad.
Let's not discriminate against the deformed, the badly decomposed, the fraudulent, and the tardily identified.

Yeah, that hell fish looked mighty suspicious to me. For one thing it's practically all head and just a tail. Where's it's body? With such a huge toothsome mouth it would HAVE to have a large stomach to contain all its meat. Furthermore I don't think fish teeth have enamel on them like that. Those carnivors look suspiciously mammalian to me. Last but not least I see no gills. Nice work though. It certainly raises an eyebrow when you first see it.
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Frogs/anurans are really good at being weird. There's also a frog that lays the eggs at its own back somehow, which become encapsulated by skin, and then the eggs hatch from the frog's back (I don't know if it's the male or female frog who does that), it looks really like something coming from a sci-fi alien movie. Not as gross, but just as weird, there was a frog that somehow swallowed the fertilized egg, which wouldn't be digested, and the tiny frog would grow inside the parent frog's stomach, which eventually gives birth orally. The offspring comes out already fully formed in these species, not tadpoles, only very tiny.


The gastric brooding one is supposedly extinct, very recently extinct, like the 90s or 80s.