

Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
Anybody else feel that they tend to open up to their barber, hairdresser, hair stylist? I tend to. I got a haircut earlier and ending up telling her the weird dream i had last night, how i put in my a/c last night..etc.

Anybody else tend to do this?
I've seen that with women.
I never talk with them if it is not neccessary.

need time to plan my schemes of how to take over the world:p

I'm a nail tech. (manacurist)... you wouldn't BELIEVE some of the things people tell us.......but that is good. becuase you are supposed to feel relaxed and comfortable. that way you come back. And it is better if we let the costomer lead the conversation, so we dont end up offending/upsetting them. :D
Open up to my barber?
Absolutely not.
That'd be like opening up to a waiter in a restaurant.
Well, I know the women at my hairdresser, so I tell them everything. I mean, I have to sit there for a while anyway, and it would be impolite not to say anything. And I love to hear the gossip of others, that is only revealed to me, if I reveal something back. :p
Not really, but it's sort of an unspoken rule...
It's always a great time going there, although I don't go that often, only when I put in new extensions. Since I have long hair, I ususally just ask a friend to cut the edges when it's needed.
But I guess it becomes more impersonal if you go to different hairdressers all the time.
I do. To whatever that is available at my required time. Oh and I try to catch a latvian one. I know russian, but when some heavy explanation is needed about hairstyles and my special needs - well - hairdressers professional russian isn't my speciality:eek:
There are many hairdressers that feel opening up communications with their customers is a fine art. That it leads to repeat business and regulars that prefer their gossip or what ever to someone elses. For the hairdresser that is money in their pocket.
I dunno, my hairdressers seem like nice ladies, not materialistic, blood-sucking lawyer types..

And they dont seem to elicit the conversation, i just seem at ease and seem disinhibited when getting my hair done.

Maybe they have the place perfused with some sort of psychotropic disinhibitor, and they pry secrets from people, and sell them to the NSA? :eek: In the words of a great man "Ish poshable"
They should open up Hair Styling/Pscycho Therapy solons. How efficient!!! ;)
Yes, but they are human beings too, not only moneymaking servants.

No arguement there. I did not mean it to sound like it was a carefully calculated ploy. I have known some hairdressers in the past. (as friends and not for the service they do) It was echoed many time in many different ways that it was a consideration to their job.

and hairdressers???? NO! i never got that concept, you go in, you cut yoru hair and you leave, theres no discussion, thats its. just hair. You just leave it at that OKAY!! npow just leave me alone, i didnt do it!

:confused :confused: :confused: :confused: :D