

Unbelievable and odd
Registered Senior Member

I jus want to know if there is a possible condition for NORMAL white/silverish hair since youth (but no, I'm not talking about aging too early), I mean like seemingly albino hair at a person not suffering from albinism. Comment?
I guess that all depends on what exactly you mean by normal.
If you mean just being born that way with out any disease or syndrome or chemical or something playing a role then yes.

I would say more, but i forget the words right now. It's not much different than freckles really, just slightly opposite. You know?
Oh, well, incomplete again (I love haste...). Yep, I actually asked if someone can have white hair from birth even without albinism..... so?
I believe hair pigment is controlled by a gene (or number of genes), so, yes. Technically, a child could have pigmentless hair.
I am 19 and i already have white hair popping up all over my head. Even white strands in my beard.
u know im kinda geting worried about hair fall latley,i loose about 20-30 hairs on each wash,i know u might think im paranoied but before i dont remember lossing a single hair. Could it be diet? Whats a good diet or a way to prevent hair loos?
Hmm, gMan, diet is not the only thing that affects your hair, I believe. Example: Walk outdoors under a sunny day without a hat or umbrela or cap or whatever..... your hair quality will drop and who know it promotes hair loss too?
I have another hair-question, how many % of humanity have dark/brown hair?
I heard if you get hit by lightning and survive your hair will turn white!!!
I dunno if I really want to try it though.

(goes and finds the highest mountain and brings a bucket of water and magnetic antenna with me, splashes water all over me for good measure)

On a more serious note, why just not dye it?
I think guys with white hair are gorgeous.
To Yes:
Well, I don't know, but dark hair seems to be so common, especially in Asia/among Asians. So, even assuming only half Asians are dark haired, there's been more than half dark-haired people in the world, considering Asia is too full of people.

And Silent Beauty
As a reply, some people don't really like to get their hair dyed most possibly because it can make them feel a bit uncomfotable, even when the dyeing process is meant to replace 'other color factors' with 'white hair factors' (in case human scalp also determine the hair look...). Second: white dye is damn rare, at least here somewhere in Asia. Maybe one needs to sacrifice enough cash just to have one's hair dyed white. Third, a bit personal: White hair doesn't seem to go along with all kinds of skin (face, in particular) color. I find it better to see for verily white skinned or quite dark-skinned people to have white hair, not in between.... especially while in youth.
Well….my mother’s hair started turning white when she was 19. Mine held on till I was 22, and until it turns totally white and not just salt and pepper, I’m dyeing it. Greying generally takes place over many years(starts at 30 in men and 35 in women), though an extremely rare disease called telogen effluvium gives the appearance of going grey overnight (i.e. Sir Thomas More and Marie Antoinette). The disease causes all of a person's pigmented hair to fall out, leaving only grey hairs in place.

My guess is that if your hair has at one time been all one colour the now white hair is because the hair follicle for those hair strands have stopped producing melanin (different types for different colours). As with hair falling out there could be a number of reasons; stress, water hardness, diet, free radicals ext. One method you might like to try is using a shampoo which will add a tint to your hair, the white hair will not be so noticeable, and most such shampoos are herbal and don’t stain skin.

As for the number of people with dark hair; I was brought up believing that only Asian people had black hair, and that European people have dark brown hair. I have no idea if there is actually a biochemical difference (not just a difference in the amount of pigment produced). I suspect this may be a 'genetic' myth….:confused:
So about 75 % is a good guess, or even more, 80?
No, not only asians have black hair most of the people in Africa and the middle east and southern Europe has it too.
I think your hair can turn white, lose its pigment, if you colour it for a longer period of time. I happened to me. Started colouring it in my teens, about 16, and now several ( not telling how many) years later, its almost entirely white.
Have been considering to stop colouring it, because it would be cool with white hair, but it takes so much time for it to grow out.
Originally posted by curioucity
And Silent Beauty
As a reply, some people don't really like to get their hair dyed most possibly because it can make them feel a bit uncomfotable, even when the dyeing process is meant to replace 'other color factors' with 'white hair factors' (in case human scalp also determine the hair look...). Second: white dye is damn rare, at least here somewhere in Asia. Maybe one needs to sacrifice enough cash just to have one's hair dyed white. Third, a bit personal: White hair doesn't seem to go along with all kinds of skin (face, in particular) color. I find it better to see for verily white skinned or quite dark-skinned people to have white hair, not in between.... especially while in youth.

OOH! I love welcomes (((HUGS curiuocity)))

You're asian! (assuming cause you are in Asia) O_O I love asian men (if you're a guy that is cause I'm a girl but if not, thats okay!)
Oh, I like the other kinds of men too just so I dont discriminate against them! ^^"
Whew! enough of that! onward to the topic.

Actually, it's just a matter of getting used to, you know! Think about it! When Cortez came upon the Aztecs way back then, they were not used to seeing people other than themselves, or that the Aztecs thought men with blond hair existed so they put Cortez up on a pedestal. Making him some kind of god. O_O
I think white hair on the non typical facial feature, skin types would be quite alluring.

As for Weebee saying Europeans only have brown hair, HUH? O_O Northern europeans get the blondes./blue eye syndrome...though in the southern parts, yeah, they turn brown. ^^

OH I also heard that if you shock someone, like scare them to death...but not kill them, their hairs turn white. (wonders about this chemcial reaction inside the hair follicles and the bodys reaction)
sorry, I did not mean to imply that Europeans only have brown hair, but that the ‘myth’ is that they do not have black hair, only a dark brown colour which people mistake for black. So I was questioning if anyone knew if there was a difference in the hair pigment because it just seemed like a myth.

But in generally I have a major issue with things like this. Because I think that ‘European’ and other labels is a mater of culture, social roles and ethnicity and poorly indicative of genetics and genotypes. I apologise for being sloppy when I wrote the post.
Originally posted by weebee
sorry, I did not mean to imply that Europeans only have brown hair, but that the ‘myth’ is that they do not have black hair, only a dark brown colour which people mistake for black. So I was questioning if anyone knew if there was a difference in the hair pigment because it just seemed like a myth.

You're too cute!! ^^" You weren't sloppy!

I guess we can chalk it up to sunshine. Since people who are closer to the equator tend to have darker hair/eyes/skin. o_O

I wonder though, if a clan of people lived in a cave all their lives, bore children, and their childrens children had children, etc, would they possess skin so pale and eyes and hair so pale as well? Due to the lack of sunlight?
How powerful is genetics and the correlation of the sun?
I’ll return the compliment! :p

But I think I was a little sloppy.
As for the question…I think they would suffer badly from lack of vit D( rickets and osteomalacia), and then those with functional mutations would survive longer and in greater number ( through lighter skin and thus greater uptake of Vit D from the light they did get, or higher uptake from their food). Guess that must be an issue for the Matrix world

It's my pleasure too, to make this forum festive. So let's do that.

The caveman question is pretty much tricky for me: Lack of light will surely cause the skin to grow pale (in my, obviously lighter, case, many of my relatives said I'm getting whiter after spending a year study in a university, in which I often stay indoors). But I'm not that sure if such lack will also affect eyes and hair too. I even think that in such 'dark' environment, skin, hair and eyes will grow much differently: pale skin, bold hair (maybe, since direct sunshine can eventually reduce one's hair to strings......), and maybe not much change in the physical appearance of eyes (though they may stop functioning)
I heard if you get hit by lightning and survive your hair will turn white!!!
I dunno if I really want to try it though.

One of my friends' (Cambodian) has been hit by lightning. He has a scar and it was on the head but he doesn't have a white hair on his body.
I am 19 and i already have white hair popping up all over my head. Even white strands in my beard.

I know same here! Do you think it has something to do with the paint and no sleep and no food?