hair colour


smoking revolver
Valued Senior Member

What determines the colour of the hair besides genes?
From birth I have dark brown hair, but recently two almost blonde streaks of hair have appeared at the front of the head.
It doesn't look bad, so no need to advice hair colours :p
I'm just interested in the mechanics behind.
Could it be because of the fact that I have quit eating meat for a bit more than a year now?

I also know a few other people who's hair colour has changed, especially in their late teens early twenties. I'm 21 myself.
Beauticians with their hair coloring can determine what the color of your hair will be, or you could choose also.
cosmictraveler said:
Beauticians with their hair coloring can determine what the color of your hair will be, or you could choose also.
That is not what I asked about.
I'm talking about a natural, unintentional change in colour.
Oh, sorry I thought you were wanting to know other ways to color hair. I'd think that sometimes hormones could change peoples hair. Food could also be another thing as well as stress.
cosmictraveler said:
Oh, sorry I thought you were wanting to know other ways to color hair. I'd think that sometimes hormones could change peoples hair. Food could also be another thing as well as stress.
well, stress is out of the question
probably food, something that's in the meat, that I don't get anymore

haven't been for long periods of time outside this summer, don't think it's the sun to blame, besides it's just one place
Stress can make your hair grayer, depending on how much stress you're under.
I also have dark brown hair but lately, especially last year, a lot of white strands of hair have started to appear...snow white hair. I am not worried, nor do I care but I believe mine ie genetic...definetly from my dad. Same started to happen to his hair at 28.
Hair color is due to more than one gene loci. In other worders, there are multiple make ups in your genetic structure that can determine hair color. However, genotype (genetic structure) is always influenced by your environment as you grow up to eventually produce the physical effect (phenotype). So, to answer your question "What determines hair color aside from genes" is complicated. Caucasions in exposed to high direct sunlight seem to develop lighter color hair. This is the "phenotype" development. Likewise, aside from where you live, the most important factor would probably be what you use to wash your hair - but I really do not know much information on this point. I would suggest that you uae a common shampoo - nothing strange or exotic (Aloe Vera and vitamin E is said to promote quality and healing) - but why even worry about it? It probably is genetic, but I would think that blond streaks would look cool: certainly nothing to do with eating meat! Hey, don't they say "Blonds have more fun"? Consider yourself lucky!