Hair and eye color


Oral defecator
Registered Senior Member
Does anyone know why Whitey is the only race that can have different hair and eye color?

Of course we have exceptions like, say, an albino black person, in which case, he would have white hair and red eyes.
Thanks Bra. Good answer, but I was hoping for an answer that might tell me why other race's genes don't permit them to create different color pigments. I'm still happy your answer, but this is the way I was hoping to go.

Kind of a side note. Let me know if this is a credible observation. It seems like there has to be quite a lot of white blood in, say a mulatto person in order for them to exhibit the white quality of being able to create different color hair and eyes.

Take Vanessa Williams for an example. For some reason, she considers herself black, though she's clearly not. Her hair may have the consistency of my pubes, but her skin is fairly light and she has very bright blue eyes.

Most black people in America today have 30 percent or more of Caucasian in them. Though their skin color is lighter than their descendents, their irises and hair color are still black. Why?
apendrapew said:
Does anyone know why Whitey is the only race that can have different hair and eye color?

your initial statement is not true.

There are Aborigenees with blond hair, there are Africans with green eyes, there are pacific islanders with blue eyes.....

ethnicity is a valid discussion point, but race????
Never heard of that. Are you sure?? Could you link me to a picture of something like that?
apendrapew said:
Take Vanessa Williams for an example. For some reason, she considers herself black, though she's clearly not. Her hair may have the consistency of my pubes, but her skin is fairly light and she has very bright blue eyes.

Most black people in America today have 30 percent or more of Caucasian in them. Though their skin color is lighter than their descendents, their irises and hair color are still black. Why?

well it is really hard to definite Caucasian or African or any other kind of race, since there is no pure race, so sayings such as "Most black people in America today have 30 percent or more of Caucasian in them" would be invalid, in my opinion, if you believe in evolution. We all came from Africa, remember? so if anything, we should say that we all have 30% of African genes in us (or more)

secondly, note that most hair or eye colour variations are caused by mutation in genes, which are due to numerous reasons ranging from climate to chemicals, you can never predict when or how or where a mutation happens, because evolution says it happens every second we live. anyway, people with lighter skin, hair, or eye colours may have ancestors who experienced or lived in places that have more mutation-causing factors (eg. climate)

and finally, with today's technology, some people can dye their hair or change the appearance their eye colours with contact lenses.
Actually, blacks don't just have black and brown eyes. I've noticed that they have developed black hair with a brownish tint(without coloring) and stunning gold eyes. Just to let you know,apendrapew. I wonder what they will look like 200 years in the future? What about whites? With more and more interracial marriages, could whites start developing darker skin?

Sorry guys, I just saw a crazy episode on South Park where everyone from the future looked the same from interacial "breeding". It kinda made me think about whites getting darker and blacks getting lighter, possibly with us ending up like the future folk from South Park. :D
"Race" exist only sociologically, biologically race is a very complex and different story, the races that exist sociologically do not exist Biologically.

I would like to see some pictures of people with yellow eye though :eek:
They're everywhere, dude. I believe there is a member here who posted a picture of herself, and she had goldish eyes. Don't ask who it was though, can't remember. :)
Well, apendrapew, could you define 'black' for us? Let's define black as pitch black; about the shade of the night sky.
IIf you took a pitch black person and crossed them with a pitch black person, all you'd get would be pitch black people (make sure to remove recessives and mutations).

Now do this with a snow white person, someone as white as paper. All you'd get would be white people

Now mix white with black, and you get brown.

See? Race is a myth, because you'd actually get gray.
I am in school, and my school is mostly made up of white people, there is only one black person per class, i have curly dark thick hair that gets very big when wet, so i usually straight iron it, and when i do people refuse to believe that i am black, that have acussed me of being hispanic, indian, and many other things. I have this type of hair because my grandparents were mixed with many different races. My grand mother had blond hair and bluish greenish eyes, and my great grand father was part native american, but he looked like he just steped off a reserve. he had long dark straigt silky hair and caramel skin. I myself have medium colored skin very dark brown hair which is often mistaken as black, and dark brown eyes. The reason i straighten my hair is because of the torment i would recieve from my white collegues if i showed up to school without looking like them. I am not accepted by either white nor black people because either they are jealous of me or they think that my appearance is unsuitable, and not up to there standards. My aunt told me this moring that white peopland asian and hispanic people have oriental hair, the strands of there hair ar circular, and african americans have flat hair therefore making it kinky nappy and or curly. I think that there is no scientific reason for why different races look the way they do, but i think that god made them that way for a reason. Though white people have nice hair, african americans are the ones that set the trends for them to take credit for.
Hey,my names Amal(im a girl,and its an arabic name meaning hope).i read yo post and i totally can not believe you.
im half algerian and half japanese(which makes me like asian/arabian/african).im not black or anythin but im brown.and noone else in MA WHOLE SCHOOL is different.yet i dont feel the need to copy them and straighten ma hairs is jus curly and a bit frizzy,and people think im like pakistani,indian and stuff like that so in a way we kinda have sumthin in common.
anyway il get to the point.
firstly no disrespect or anythin,but yeah i agree that lotz a black peeps set trends but they aint the only ones who do.
i mean you talkin as if they are superior and all other races are not as good as them.i mean not that i have a problem with you sayin that and all that shite bout how other people are jealous,its jus that you tryin to be like white people and copyin them so you cant really talk.
no really you are hopeless,you cant talk like that if you dont have pride in yo race.i mean every single girl i know are white and they have straight hair,but still im proud a who i am.
try to do the same and walk there with yo head up high girl.being yo unique self is way betta than copyin them.
cos everyone is beautiful,so dont try and copy them.
from ya girl
AAA hope:

What color hair and eyes do you have?

i mean you talkin as if they are superior and all other races are not as good as them.

Could you show me where I implied that?

its jus that you tryin to be like white people and copyin them so you cant really talk.

I am white.

cos everyone is beautiful


Now mix white with black, and you get brown.

See? Race is a myth, because you'd actually get gray.

I don't understand how you conclude that race is a myth because whites and blacks mix to make brown. Certainly neither one of us is a biologist. This could happen for any reason which we do not know about.

And who knows, perhaps if you mixed someone that was "paper white" with someone "pitch black" you would indeed get gray. But it doesn't happen much, as most of the time neither partner is pitch black or paper white.

Maybe I'm missing the point.
Eflex tha Vybe Scientist said:
your initial statement is not true.

There are Aborigenees with blond hair, there are Africans with green eyes, there are pacific islanders with blue eyes.....

ethnicity is a valid discussion point, but race????

Want to come back to your point, Eflex, and confirm it: in Asia you find (Indian sub-continent) black-brown people with green eyes and jet-black hair, in other areas blue eyes (living in quite remote areas) and so on. The thread-opener may interest that white people are usually uni-coloured; not so Asians who have, apart from the "mark of Djengis Khan", often black areas all over their bodies and extremities when born.
apendrapew said:
She's beautiful, no?

This picture has been circulating around the Internet for decades. I'm thinking about making it my avatar.

I didnt say she was ugly. Whats the deal though?