

Registered Member
Have you seen yourself lately?

thought...have you ever heard someone say
"you look a lot like such and such"
have you ever seen someone that looks almost alike someone else?
I believe that we are not unique. that for every person here, there is someone that has the same facial structure as someone else...i bet that there are a few 1000 people that all look alike but probably will never run into each other
For example, the most common are the (i cant remember what they are called so i will try to describe them without trying to make fun)
ones that are short and husky... and have small round collapsed faces...let me know what they are called.
Point being...they are the most common
we are all a copy of a copy of a copy, of an imitation...a duplicate, a spliiting image. We are not a designer. NO there is not someone that does not look like us. We are not original we are pairs ...doubles...duplicates
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Welcome to sciforums!

Actually we are all unique thanks to mutation and chromosome crossing over: possible variations genetically are far larger then the human population is so no there is no one that exactly like you, but because we recognize each other by facial characteristic there is a very limited set of facial variables and there are people that can be easily mistaken for you.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus
about time your paid the $3 monthly subscription eh smonkey?

well...girlfriend dumped me, but since I don't have to pay everything for her anymore I am swimming in money. Can't take it to the grave...

also...I noticed that I was approaching porfiry on the top 50 posters list. I can't go past him without the proper equipment.

not that any of this go anything to do with twins....

edit: i think that I once again had misspelled the name of our dear leader.
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wella, people are always telling me i look like some celebrity or another but i think they're only trying to get into my pants.

actually, i've wondered about the randomness of genetic variability. how often do you come close to other person? the odds have to be low outside your own family. within a remote secluded village, all the villagers are probably a lot alike but it would be a miracle to find identical twins with the same code let alone random stranger twins.

as for looking like other people, there is a certain body layout that people adhere to. this person looks more like that person than he looks like that parrot. faces are arranged with the nose in the middle and there's a limited number of ways that nose can look on a human being. to make up numbers, say there are 100 ways each individual feature can look. stick them in a slot machine and see how often they pop up in the same combination. better take this to the math forum.
I've always wondered about history. Specifically if taking into account all past generations of humans will increase the numbers enough that there was a chance that some guy who looked just like me lived 17,000 years ago...

you, know, SwedishFish, you look just like that famous girl from that movie where they save the people from that thing? you know the one I'm talking about? yeah, that one. She was hot!
About the short husky people with round collapsed faces.

Dear Mr. Soundsystim01.

Hello, how are you.

No two people are identical. Your theory makes no sense. Now, maybe with the idea of the infinite possibilities of the universe, on some other planet far, far away, there may be someone that looks just like you, but not here.

As for those short husky people… I believe that you are thinking of people with Down Syndrome. The most common cause of Down syndrome occurs when an infant is born with three, rather than two, copies of the 21st chromosome (known medically as trisomy 21).

Normally there are 46 chromosomes (23 pairs), half of which are inherited from each parent. Children with Down syndrome, however, have cells that usually contain not 46, but 47 chromosomes, the extra one being a third chromosome 21. It is this extra genetic material in infants with Down syndrome that disrupts their PHYSICAL and cognitive development.

You see, that is why the look so similar. And none of them really look identical.

Take my advise... next time you decide to start a forum, research first so you don't come off sounding like an ass.

Okay then, cheers.

P.S. the time it says below is completely wrong...
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