

Teenaged Transhumanist
Registered Senior Member
Any guys out there (non-gay..sorry to descriminate) ever give serious thought to shaving away armpit hair, pubic hair, chest or even leg hair? Just wondering, of course.
No I haven't, but I'm curious if women prefer legs without hair. I do see some guys my age with shaved legs so I was just wondering.
my opinion

while male body hair doesn't really bother me.... im no fan of a furry guy.... and i have friends who have convinced their b/f's to wax their chest.... and personally, i dont see the problem with waxing everything... i think its much cleaner.... and its pretty disgusting when, with my freinds im walking around town and spot a group of guys playing basketball, etc. when one shoots for the basket, and a stray poodle pops out of his tank top.

as for the "behind-closed-doors" areas.... id hafta say most women would prefer things to be kept up, just as most men would.... however.. i noticed you said shaving away... nd i think for somethings, especially th latter three, i would suggest waxing.... it may sound a little "owie", but your not going to want to keep up shaving your ENTIRE body EVERY day, and, especially if you have sensitive skin.... i can think of some areas where you would not want razor burn, especially with as much 'adjusting' as you men hafta do already. Not to mention, your significant other might have a hard time dealing with the five o'clock shadow that now not only covers your face, but your legs and chest too.........

just a thought....
Hey there. I have no SO, i was just wondering how i'd feel if i shaved some of my hair off. WAXING!? Holy hell, that would hurt so bad..they'd have to sedate me to do that. ANYwhere. Especially my legs..ouch.
Most men who are into body building do shave or use cream/foam to take out body hair. Taking out pubic hair is not pleasant when it starts to grow back....whether male or female (for the male)...
Personally, while I will certainly tolerate it, I'm not a big fan of hair in general.

I don't like the way it feels (often feels like a coarse texture to me), it's messy, and single strands are so small, they go all over the place and are a pain to find and get rid of. And it can get dirty rather easily.......

When I go get a hair cut, even though my barber puts one of those cloaks on me, by the time I walk out of the shop the back of neck and collar area are itching like crazy.

I have to go home and change shirts, then shower.

That's the way I feel.
I would consider shaving armpits. Just for the hell, sorry smell of it :)
armpit hair,...

consider shaving armpits
I do shave my armpits: and it's nice and clean ! truly not something to consider but to try if you haven't done so yet !

about the rest of my hair,...I leave it where it is,...

altough I tend to cut the hair on my ass too you know,....just a matter of things not getting to sticky:D
let's just say

that you may declare yourself a lucky man NOT to have any hairgrowth on your bottom,....:bugeye:

It's just that I don't have anything to be ashamed of,'s actually a good method of keeping things clean and all!:eek:
I have to go home and change shirts, then shower.

things might feel better if you showered first, then changed. :p

altough I tend to cut the hair on my ass too you know
you must be a flexible person!

whether male or female (for the male)...
oh beleive me, its not pleasent for us gals either...

the nswer to it all?
...drumroll............ ELECTROLOSIS!!!
Good point Nighty, I should probably shower first.

But no - the red carpet rolls........... LASER!!! More expensive than electrolosis, but alot less painful (and you don't have to return on later occasions).
NO ONE is putting a laser, electrodes, creams, waxes, or a reaser near MY balls


they stay EXACTLY the way nature intended
Ya, I agree Asy. Not that I like a furry man or anything, but I would much prefer a natural man to one that shaves his private parts. My brother in law (love him to death) but he waxes his chest, which I dont find attractive at all. And if a guy waxed or shaved his privates, I find it too "girlie". I think Im too picky:D I see that The Rock shaves his pitts, I dont like that at all...:)
the nswer to it all?
...drumroll............ ELECTROLOSIS!!!

So who is the first guinea pig. Man, I got this fantastic pair of bare wires that come from the electric socket...
:D :D :eek:
I don't know, if it takes a painful process as waxing to get rid of hair, then I don't see the point of doing it, because you have to repeat it constantly, since the hair always grows back. But I guess it's up to the person. I however find it a little weird with men that shave other parts of their body than their face....and even that can be strange at times, unless they have a good excuse, as beard growing in strange formations.
unless they have a good excuse, as beard growing in strange formations.

."so you mean that just grows in all white trashy like that?" -Joe Dirt hehehehe...

maybe im just odd.. but i think id prefer the less furry man... -nods-:eek:
I'm very furry, and would personally consider an attempt at shaving of my ass, shoulder, leg, thigh, pubic, foot, toe, finger, arm, facial, neck, back, armpit, or head hair a painful strike at my soul.