guns and knives in the UK.


just because a few young people die the whole city goes crazy, people have been getting murdered for ages its just people actualy care and notice when they are youngsters,

the government are actualy thinking about banning the sale of swords and daggers in the uk, what kind of BS is this? i have a right to collect ancient weapons if i want surely?

i think we should be allowed to carry knives on the street, because law obiding people should be able to protect themselves, we are not allowed to carry CS gas or mace, or knives to protect ourselves against armed assailants, so we are left vulnerable to attacks,

criminals and people seeking to murder and rob others with knives and guns are going to do it anyway, wether or not the law allows them to, but respectable people wont carry them in fear of going to prison for protecting themselves on the streets,

i carry a knife on me at all times and it has saved my life on more than 1 occasion, the government here are dumb asses, they dont care for our safetly 1 little bit they are a disgrace in my opinion, they say to call the police if you are under attack,

haha "yes hold on there mr robber, let me call the police real quick dont stab me"

they say run away (turn your back on an armed attacker) real smart there sherlock, wanna get stabbed in the back by any chance, what if you are trapped with nowhere to run, or you are a slow runner or you have a broken leg? what do you do?.

if you had a can of CS gas or a big ass knife then i bet your odds of winning the fight are alot greater than if your unnarmed,

what about weak women, how are they supposed to deal with an armed attacker that wants to rob her or raper her? call the cops on the phone that the muggers are after in the first place?

legalise CS gas but you have to pass a test and course to use it?


Knife laws are pretty reasonable. A 3 inch, non-locking blade is adequate for cutting fruit and small tasks in urban areas. If you're in the woods, carry a machete or a huge bowie. If you meet the police, it's up to them if you have reason to carry it, which if you're hacking trees and camping, you do.

I've recently started using knives and appreciating them for what they are. They're useful tools. Daggers and swords - not really, but you should be allowed to have them in your house. They make life less dangerous when you use them in place of a blunt knife to open a letter, to whittle a piece of wood, etc. I'm not selling them that well, but there's a multitude of uses for a good knife.

How did carrying a knife save your life?

I won't agree with you that we should carry them for protection. Most people who stab each other know each other. They're the chav/ned scum running amok. I admit, it's a bit scary when you're young, but early to mid-20's, as long as you don't wind them up or go to dodgy places, it's not much of an issue.

How many times have you had someone attempt to attack you or heard of a girl being threatened/raped at knifepoint?

Guns are useless. Again, it's a handful of people using them on each other. Joe Bloggs doesn't get involved most of the time. Do you want the UK to turn into the US and for everyone to get jumpy? We'd all be shooting each other by accident out of fear.

Let women carry Mace, I suppose. There should be a siren on the mace can though.
Knife laws are pretty reasonable. A 3 inch, non-locking blade is adequate for cutting fruit and small tasks in urban areas. If you're in the woods, carry a machete or a huge bowie. If you meet the police, it's up to them if you have reason to carry it, which if you're hacking trees and camping, you do.

I've recently started using knives and appreciating them for what they are. They're useful tools. Daggers and swords - not really, but you should be allowed to have them in your house. They make life less dangerous when you use them in place of a blunt knife to open a letter, to whittle a piece of wood, etc. I'm not selling them that well, but there's a multitude of uses for a good knife.

How did carrying a knife save your life?

I won't agree with you that we should carry them for protection. Most people who stab each other know each other. They're the chav/ned scum running amok. I admit, it's a bit scary when you're young, but early to mid-20's, as long as you don't wind them up or go to dodgy places, it's not much of an issue.

How many times have you had someone attempt to attack you or heard of a girl being threatened/raped at knifepoint?

Guns are useless. Again, it's a handful of people using them on each other. Joe Bloggs doesn't get involved most of the time. Do you want the UK to turn into the US and for everyone to get jumpy? We'd all be shooting each other by accident out of fear.

Let women carry Mace, I suppose. There should be a siren on the mace can though.

i have been saved by a blade more than once, so has my girlfriend and my mother, look in the london news recently about the rapes and killings from knife crime,

i was comming out of a subway in east london (where i grew up) and i was surrounded by about 4-5 people a couple of them drew for weapons, i pulled my hunting knife out and cut the nearest one in the face and when he droped i ran right through the gap he left open and gpt away,

anouther time me and my wife were walking home through east london, near hackney downs, (she was my girlfriend at the time) she is caribbean and i am mixed european, and these didnt like that we were together because of the interacial relationship etc, and one of them actualy hit her with a bottle, and again i pulled out my hunting knife and cut him in the face, the rest of them ran off,

again, my mother was walking through dagenham just outside of east london and some guy tried to mug her and take her bag she pulled out a pair of scissors and stabbed him in the chest and he ran off, (she has been mugged more than a couple of times in the past thats why she carries the scissors now)

my house was nearly raided by crack addicts at my old home in east london, my mother and wife were in there, they were hitting down the door with sledge hammers and other tools, i got my katana and leaped out into the frey and sliced one (again in the face) :) i was screaming trying to inflict fear upon them and it worked and they all fled, the shattered glass from windown and doors they were hitting went in my mothers face and badly cut her,

anouther time when i was very young say around 13-14, these guys from anouther school who hated people from my school were waiting for me in an alley on my way home and i was not paying attention until they were right next to me, i got stabbed a couple of time in the leg and lower stomach, and i tried to run away and got stabbed in the back a few times while they were grabbing me, i got away with minor wounds, but i wish i had a weapon on me that day and maybe i would have a few less scars.

i will look up now on google all of the incodents in and around london, and show you people need protection,

i have alot more "tales" to tell of my own life aswell if you are interested, it is quite rough in east london estates, and other london areas also.

you are not allowed to carry knives in london anymore, they are thinking to introduce a no tolerance bad 5 year minimal sentance for anyone carrying one, not even low level mace is allowed, not even a baton is allowed, all your allowed is your fists and maybe a panic alarm, but people wont help you anyway they are too scared the majority anyway.

and just a couple of days ago in london, a group of teenagers held a women at knife point took turns in raping her and filmed it on there mobile phones, she could have used some CS gas!,

I hear what you're saying. I don't really know what the answer to that is. I'll have to think about it.

I know it's a shitty thing to say, but I'd try and move away from that kind of environment. Council estates are never great. I lived in Edgware for a while, not in a council estate, but it was an interesting experience. An eye-opener. I'm used to fairly aggressive youths up here, boozed and drugged up, but some things that happen in and around London are crazy.

Do you think there's anything that could be done to help change things, rather than people having to protect themselves?
But seriously, the justice system in every country can only punish, never protect. I am with chi on this one.

I guess you have to learn deadly effective unarmed combat, like okinawans did after Japanese banned knives there. I have read some other post of yours chi and I think you are trained, so why worry. If someone pulls a gun on you(most criminals get them anyway), you are dead meat anyway.

Just cower in your house like everyone else does, that's what the governments want you to do.
I hear what you're saying. I don't really know what the answer to that is. I'll have to think about it.

I know it's a shitty thing to say, but I'd try and move away from that kind of environment. Council estates are never great. I lived in Edgware for a while, not in a council estate, but it was an interesting experience. An eye-opener. I'm used to fairly aggressive youths up here, boozed and drugged up, but some things that happen in and around London are crazy.

Do you think there's anything that could be done to help change things, rather than people having to protect themselves?

the government need to get the youths off the street by maybe actualy getting back in touch witht hem, they are so out of touch with todays culture, when government officials say there piece the youth just laugh at them and forget about it and continue as normal again. i live in NW london now near finchley road it is much nicer and safer, but there are still bad areas near here to, like kilburn (wich looks nice but actualy isnt), neasden, camden, tufnel park, (where i study shaolin gong fu) , harlsden, etc, there are bad areas everywhere and nice parts aswell,

i dont know the solution, but what the government are doing now is definetely not going to work, anti knife and sword laws will do nothing atall, because only law obiding people listen to laws, :) criminals dont listen to laws thats why they are called criminals .

But seriously, the justice system in every country can only punish, never protect. I am with chi on this one.

I guess you have to learn deadly effective unarmed combat, like okinawans did after Japanese banned knives there. I have read some other post of yours chi and I think you are trained, so why worry. If someone pulls a gun on you(most criminals get them anyway), you are dead meat anyway.

Just cower in your house like everyone else does, that's what the governments want you to do.

yeah against a gun theres not much unnarmed self defence can do, (unless your in arms reach of them) you basicaly gonna get bullet holes in your body and thats that.

against a knife (wich most criminals in london carry to help rob and rape etc) there is defence you can use, but your still 100% better off if your armed also, for an attacker psycologicaly its the worst scenario, for the tides to be turned on them, it usualy shocks a criminal if you pull out a blade thats bigger than his :). ahh my hunting knife i love you so,

its a problem that the government cant realy handle, unless they police every street at every hour of the day, wich they obviously cant, so i say learn to protect yourself, and atleast let us carry CS gas to do so,

i will continue this debate later! :)

Does anyone know the laws on owning swords in the UK, or where I could find out? I've found lots on knives, but the only thing I've found on owning a sword was a BBC report (I can't yet post links because I've just joined and my post rate is 0) which wasn't exactly brimming with specifics. Any help would be appreciated.
i collect swords, they are legal to own as of now, you need a blades selling license to sell them to people.

the government are trying to outlaw the sale of swords within the uk wich i as a martial artist and collector am strongly opposed to.

you can walk the street with a blade with good reason i have been stopped many times by the police for having a sword on me in public going to a place of training, when they do a check and understand you are genuin they let you go free,

swords are perfectly legal to buy and sell and own as of "now" but that might all change soon if new laws are passed.

i have been saved by a blade more than once, so has my girlfriend and my mother, look in the london news recently about the rapes and killings from knife crime,

i was comming out of a subway in east london (where i grew up) and i was surrounded by about 4-5 people a couple of them drew for weapons, i pulled my hunting knife out and cut the nearest one in the face and when he droped i ran right through the gap he left open and gpt away,

anouther time me and my wife were walking home through east london, near hackney downs, (she was my girlfriend at the time) she is caribbean and i am mixed european, and these didnt like that we were together because of the interacial relationship etc, and one of them actualy hit her with a bottle, and again i pulled out my hunting knife and cut him in the face, the rest of them ran off,

again, my mother was walking through dagenham just outside of east london and some guy tried to mug her and take her bag she pulled out a pair of scissors and stabbed him in the chest and he ran off, (she has been mugged more than a couple of times in the past thats why she carries the scissors now)

my house was nearly raided by crack addicts at my old home in east london, my mother and wife were in there, they were hitting down the door with sledge hammers and other tools, i got my katana and leaped out into the frey and sliced one (again in the face) :) i was screaming trying to inflict fear upon them and it worked and they all fled, the shattered glass from windown and doors they were hitting went in my mothers face and badly cut her,

anouther time when i was very young say around 13-14, these guys from anouther school who hated people from my school were waiting for me in an alley on my way home and i was not paying attention until they were right next to me, i got stabbed a couple of time in the leg and lower stomach, and i tried to run away and got stabbed in the back a few times while they were grabbing me, i got away with minor wounds, but i wish i had a weapon on me that day and maybe i would have a few less scars.

i will look up now on google all of the incodents in and around london, and show you people need protection,

i have alot more "tales" to tell of my own life aswell if you are interested, it is quite rough in east london estates, and other london areas also.


Fucking hell!!!

You cut the guys face?
wich one, i have cut alot of faces, (only in self defence) i am a very nice person and i never start any trouble i swear, i just happend to attract alot of trouble and violence for some reason,

i usualy tend to slice rather than stab, because i dont want to kill anybody and thrusting blades into people can be fatal very easily thats why i always slice.

i dont like it, but rather them than me or my loved ones,
