"It is my pleasure to announce my support for America's Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a proven leader who is not afraid of what lies ahead and who will cast a hopeful vision for all Americans,"
Pat Robertson, during a news conference with Giuliani http://apnews.myway.com/article/20071108/D8SP5DFG0.htmlIt's not like Pat Robertson is a political powerhouse these days, but him endorsing Guiliani is a sign the Christian conservatives are closing ranks to avoid a second Clinton presidency.
For perspective, consider what a once prominent member had to say on the idea of Guiliani getting the Republican nomination.
Anything could happen, but a Guiliani nomination is looking more and more likely. And based on Hillary's recent performance at the last Democratic debate, I think he'd wipe the floor with her.Giuliani alienates the base of his party. The party that gave us Very UN-Giuliani Reagan, the Bush Dynasties, Newt, and Cheney and the rightwing neocons. A candidate that supports abortion rights!? GAY marriage?! Are you serious? Republicans aren't moving to the left of center in case you hadn't noticed. They will put up a social conservative. Thinking Giuliani will get the GOP nod is like believing Lieberman will be nominated by the Dems! It just ain't happenin. Though I hope so!
PS Genji and I have a bet that he'll read Atlas Shrugged should Guiliani get the Republican nomination. His communist brain may just explode when exposed to Ayn Rand.