Guess who is this?


Looks like a bad-guy... was he a Nazi or something?
Looks like a bad-guy... was he a Nazi or something?

Bad guy?
Nope, the Nazis kicked his institution out of Germany.
He was a sort of "Goth" - one of the first :D (But that's not what he's famous for).
Can we delete my post? :p I know, his face is familiar, but I don't know his name, and I don't watch Lost :p

I am guessing I am the only one on this board that don't know that dude :p
Teehee... Patrick Stewart.. you can stop the facepalm already, Enmos >.>

Nope, sorry. That's wrong as well :D

Some other hints: Harvey, hybrid, heat, villain. These are all from another TV-show that I can't name.