Guess who is this?

Okay, another clue.
He had a friend called Brown, also an aviator.

Clue: he was an ancestor of mine and I have mentioned him before in a post.
(Another clue, of course, is his uniform - I nearly posted a photo of him in civilian clothing but that might have made it too difficult).

I win! Sir John Alcock.
Yup, my great uncle (or something like that).
I'm intrigued now.. did you get it from the photo or the clues?
(I wouldn't have recognised him from a photo, I'm from the side of the family that altered the spelling of the surname and didn't acknowledge the family relationship ;))
Yup, my great uncle (or something like that).
I'm intrigued now.. did you get it from the photo or the clues?
(I wouldn't have recognised him from a photo, I'm from the side of the family that altered the spelling of the surname and didn't acknowledge the family relationship ;))

The clue about mentioning him in a post gave it away. Remember a long time ago when we were playing that genie game? :)
Oh good grief.
I know I'd said I'd mentioned him in a post, but I thought it was a longer time ago than that.

Clues: he was friends with a reinvented crow and he married a Bohemian's wife.
You cheated?
And yes, it's Walter.

I'll let you off for cheating if you can explain the clues.
You cheated?
And yes, it's Walter.

I'll let you off for cheating if you can explain the clues.

-Ok, he married Alma Mahler who was the widow of Gustav Mahler. Gustav Mahler was Bohemian-born.
-Walter was friends with Charles-Edouard Jeanneret that adopted Le Corbusier, an altered form of his maternal grandfather's name, "Lecorbésier", as a pseudonym, reflecting his belief that anyone could reinvent himself.
-Some architectural historians claim that this pseudonym translates as "the Crow-like one."
Also, his friends gave him the nickname "Corbu", which referred to the word corbeau (raven) and his raven-like features.

Did I pass ? :p
I only use Google to check a guess.
And then only if I'm fairly sure...
Let's play a "guess who is this" game.

You post a pic of someone, and we guess who is that. This someone should be a public figure (if it is a random stranger or your unfamous neighbour, it's going to be too difficult :p). In order for a photo to be not so easily tracked through its original link, you should firstly download the photo, change the file name, and upload it in some images hosting site.

We'll give one credit for each correct answer and we will accumulate the credit, just to make it interesting :D. The person in question doesn't necessarily have to be still alive or famous internationally. You should not give away the name, but you can give some clues if needed. The answer should be the name, not just the profession or any other titles.

Are you ready? I'll post the first photo, this one should be very easy to guess

Google allowed... but are you tracking the photo? uummm??
I only cheated on the last one. Nevertheless, I'm going to withdraw from the competition since I probably cannot control myself using 'it' now :p

No right-clicking!
(It doesn't say who he is, but the url could lead to cheating).
And possibly too easy, since it's a still from one of his films. Oops, just told you he's an actor...