Guess what this is.!!!


+ Public Dilemma +
Valued Senior Member
I ordered this from an add in a magazine about 48 years ago.!!!

given there is nothing to compare size to.. I would suggest you place a coin in the picture. Otherwise a piece of machined brass.. Sort of looks like it may be a fishing reel part
...a piece of machined brass.. Sort of looks like it may be a fishing reel part

I thank its stanless steel... but its not a part of a fishin reel.!!!

Its not a part of anyhang... its complete an ready for use.!!!

Its actualy 2 peices (1 screws into the other) makin it adjustable an has a lockin nut to hold that adjustment.!!!
look like a dog whistle and an eraser to me.

Yes a dog whistle an the eraser had alfedy been guessed.!!!

After receivin the "silent" dog whistle i was very disaponted because it wasnt esactly silent but mostly cause all the dogs in the naborhood didnt com a runnin like the add in the magazine indicated.!!!