Growing arbitrary long nanotubes: The Kebab methode?

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Skull & Bones Spokesman
Registered Senior Member
I don't know if this would actually work, but somebody might give it a try.

Basically the idea is to put the small nanotubes like meat on a stick and them roast them to make them stick together as one long nanotube....


- buy a bag of nanotubes, can be mixed length, but must be of perfect geometry

- dissolve in a liquid, like alcohol

- pump the liquid through small channels, the flow of the liquid will give the nanotubes tendency to line up in the direction of the flow

- immerse some metallic nanowires in the flow, some nanotubes will be forced upon the wire, others will go pass the wire

- recycle the flow until all the wires are occupied, next put your kebab in the oven!

_ The actual roasting will be done by a few small laserbeams that act like solderirons and deliver the right amount of energy at the ends of all the stringed nanotubes to make them stick to their neighbours

- Remove kebabstick and behold, a nanotube of arbitrary length, enjoy your meal!
Cannot be baked... I spoke to David Tomanek of the nanotube site and he explained me that currently nanowires are to thick to fit inside nanotubes, unless grown inside the tubes themselves...

There are other alternatives for lining up nanotubes , but the showstopper is still wielding them, because of their resilient nature...

Nanofibres over 20 cm has been spun, but these are amorphous fibres consisting of small tubes and other polycarbonates, the goal is ultimately to create PERFECT single tubes/threads of significant length and make a bundle of these....
I know someone who is working on this. The question is, what makes them STOP growing? if you knew that, you would know how to grow them arbitrarily long.
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