Greetings, I come in peace


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Hello, mind if I join you? I heard from a freind (who lurks this board) that there were some open minded people here, thought I'd pop in and see what it's all about.
StayPuft Marshmallow Man

As Ernie Hudson said, in <i>GhostBusters</i>, "Hey, there's always room for jello."

IOTW, there's always room for another mind.



Welcome to our forum!
have a looksey, you are more than likely to find "something" of interest here.

???????you come in peace, hehe

???????you come in peace, hehe!

And you go in pieces!!!!!!!!!

<i> fascinating.............pure energy, non copor....

O'hell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,jump in !!!!!!!!!!!!
hi.. welcome

groove in....groove on
and as you said an "open mind" is one of the more rare
things in this day and time(when analising the shear volume of data now at hand)

may your journey provide answers; to know questions that may take a thousand life times to comprehend
and a thousand more to explain to others
so we may all then start to find the answers :D missery to all greed merchants.
# please note "groove in" does not mean bind to a cult or creed!

I'm not entirely certain whether anything I'm doing at the moment is going to pan out or if I'm going to get a bill for thousands of dollars in the post over the next week. I am very new to the web and this site grabbed me. Once I got it to let go I registered and am now looking for other chatters. I have a lot of ideas and need some decent arguments to sort them out. I'll pretty much discuss anything and am dying for a good debate/discussion. Unfortunately I don't get a lot where I live. I'm so green I can't tell if you're chatting now or what. Hopefully I'll get sorted and go from there.
Chat vs boards

Unfortunately, this is a forum board. Meaning that the message is posted and responces come in later as and if another feels it is of interest. Your post may be here an hour, minute, or never have an answer.(though mostly all posts get answered). In chat your are online with others at the moment, so to say. Only with chat it's very hard to stay on the subject as the other folks will ask and comment on everything under the sun.
The message board to me is much prefered. You make your post, go on and come back ater to see an answer. Kinda like e-mail, it's there waiting on you when you pick it up.
And why would you recieve a bill? Porfiry totes the load on this one. He pays to finance this site that you might enjoy what he has wrought. And a good rendering he has made.

Thanks for the rapid replies. It's a strange thing to post a message and then get a reply. Is this a usual response from the very new? I would love to start babbling incoherently about everything and have attempted to start a new thread. I'm just looking for it now. No success yet. If anyone spots it before I do give us a yell.

"I'll be back."
adding to what you said i prefer forums as well because it gives more time for things to be thought out than in a chat.

please do, start another thread ...... blow our minds and shatter our illusions !! oh yeah i'm pretty new myself.

It is my firm belief that those who act responsibly should indeed be welcomed, even cheered! As new blood brings new ideas and new challenges. No not everyone is so welcomed. But you choose a relevant posting which everyone loves to see happen. One of the terrors for the administrator is to deal with bad posts and posts scattered all over the place.

As you can see from the postings that have occurred under this thread quite a few have known that feeling of being new. In fact everyone has at some point. The last thing to do is let that poor soul who could make valuable contributions slip away either through frighting him off or through disinterest.

I agree with discord5 that the message board is much preferred to the chat. You have time to collect your thoughts, research your topic, say what you what to say, and even dress it up before presenting it to the world. …and make no mistake you are indeed presenting it to the world

I think I’ve said about all I need say on the subject other than to say,”Welcome!”
Thanks for the rapid replies. It's a strange thing to post a message and then get a reply. Is this a usual response from the very new? I would love to start babbling incoherently about everything and have attempted to start a new thread. I'm just looking for it now. No success yet. If anyone spots it before I do give us a yell.
That Backslash777 user. You have to look him/her up and read the things written. Right up all your allys. (ps. Love the name abbriviation \777) is not neceserraly an alien or person. He said in another group that by 2006 70% of internet users will have online penpals and 40% of them will not know which are the real people.
I reackon he is a program created by the sites creators like that Eliza chat bot or something. He posted a lengthy scientific reply to a physics web site in under 2 minutes once. Check out the time stamps. Another thing, he gave me an in depth IT discussion to me through personal messaging. Does anyone else provate chat him?
By the way, that text to speech he does has to be real people- at least 3. I have never heard anything like it b4. If there was something that good Hawkins would have it on his wheelchair.
Adios Amigos