Greetings from Outer Space

I am new to these message-boards, as me and a friend of mine thought of finding a good space / science / philosophy -related discussion-forum; stumbling here. Hopefully this place answers our expectations - for at least this place seems very interesting :)

I will now leave the turn to my friend, who may post his welcome.
Welcome to Sciforums, may you find great debates or bantered drivel on subjects that you desire, plus a bunch that others just have to chuck in.
Welcome to sciforums you two, although it may be overwhelming I find it helps to close one eye.
Thank you for the welcome. I have explored the boards a bit, now that my friend left, and have to say - this is one interesting community :) I shall seek entertainment from this place more often in the near future, and also share my opinions on the great debates at hand.
I am a resident of Finland - a country located in northern europe - and after exploring some of the debates / articles on the Science and Technology boards, I have to say, that some words go beyond my comprehension :D But I have already learned many new things considering science, and 'thus, this board is not just interesting - it is helpful :)
Come in, Come in

Welcome to you both, Extra Terrestrial Lifeform and Unidentified Flying Object :)

You will find most things here. Those that you can't, you should start.

Happy Posting.
Finland - a country located in northern europe

Northern Europe, eh? For some reason I always thought that Australia had two countries, one of them like Vatican City and in the very center of Melbourne, called Finland. Very, very strange. Well, that shut me up!

(being sarcastic:bugeye: )
Pollux, due to the smallness of our country, there is a possibility that not all of you hold the knowledge of it's location. And as a polite, new member, I thought to help those who don't know anything about my home-country ( or are too shy to admit it, there of ) ;)
Welcome ET and UFO. :) Hope you will enjoy the nutty discussions here.
Are you friends of Makkara?
Hmm, doesn´t ET say PHONE home??? :p

Welcome at Sciforums Extraterrestrial Lifeform and Unidentified Flying Object. May you both post long and happy here. :)

You will find a lot of interesting items on the boards. If not, then start it yourself.

Have fun, enjoy our cozy community...
To ETL and UFO

Welcome, welcome, welcome.

And if you are offering a ride into outer space, I'll be in it.

Now you're both going to have to tell us what it's like.

the earthling.
Welcome to sciforums, Extra Terrestrial Lifeform and Unidentified Flying Object! As us earthlings would say,
Aree you selling tickets into space? Can I have one please? How much are they? I'd like a window seat.
I bet Extra Terrestrial Lifeform has Unidentified Flying Object for itself... :cool: