Greetings and Salutations.


Registered Member
Hello. I'd like to introduce myself. My handle is Fuse, and I've been interested in the Paranormal since I was about 1. I've grown a little out of the subject for awhile, but I'm just beginning to get back into it. I'm an amatuer writer who hopes to go professional If I can ever write something worth selling, and I've been published to two E-zines: Magickal Soup (circa 1994, right before it shut down) and, right at its inception. My specialty is the Tarot, but I try to learn about everything, especially two of my old favorites that seem to be in the spotlight recently, crop circles and the face on mars.

"They're dead...It's a bit late for them to be getting neurotic about it."
Hi, Fuse! Welcome to Exoscience! You're sure to find plenty to write about here, and not only the topics. Some of the users are prety interesting, too.

I am also a writer, but I've never been published. I write mostly for fun, although I did contribute to the script for an upcoming video game from 989 Studios.

I have read the Tarot for years, but I regard it more as a way to give my subconscious mind a workout rather than any divination practices. It's also fun to use them to progress a storyline that has stalled.

Hope to see more of you here!
Thanks. I might not have much time for writing in the near future, though, because it seems like business is begining to pick up, and rent and bills are more important at the moment. I run a small computer repair business in East Texas. I deal with the public of East Texas regarding computer problems. Feel my pain...

"They're dead...It's a bit late for them to be getting neurotic about it."
You're going to get along well with 666, LOL! He knows a thing or two about people who were so stupid that his shop actually took the computer back and gave them their money back!

I live in San Jose, California (the Heart of Silicon Valley, no matter what Sunnyvale says...), and it's amazing what the people who work in the industry don't know about computers. When I first took my current job, the first thing I did was to set up a database (they had been using notebooks and index cards prior). A woman called, looking for a proof of delivery on a shipment. I won't say who she worked for, but they are very big in building space systems and recently secured the contract to build the next generation of space shuttles. Anyway, she asked for the name of who had signed for the load and said I could call her back any time before 5. (It was about 11 AM.) Of course, while she had been talking, I had brought up the info on the database and had it for her before she finished stating her request. I kid you not, this is how the next part of the conversation went:

"Wow! How did you get the information so fast?"
"I pulled it up on my computer."
"Your computer can do that? Wow!"

It's frightening to think that these people are building the future. No wonder they're afraid of Linux!

[This message has been edited by Oxygen (edited June 15, 2000).]
I won't even begin to go into all of the people who didn't realize that you had to plug a computer into a wall outlet...

One called up griping that she couldn't connect to the internet. I asked if she'd plugged her computer into the phone line, and she vehemently stated yes, angry that I thought she was so stupid. "I took the cord from my phone and ran it right to the phone jack on the back of the computer." (forgetting that it still needed to be plugged into the wall jack somewhere.)

And then there's the guy who called up all angry because his coffee-cup holder had stopped working. You know, the one that slides in and out of the front of the computer?

And, more recently, the redneck who couldn't quite grasp the concepts involving the internet. "It went straight to, but nothing's happening. How can I change it so I can watch another channel?" I'm still not sure exactly what he expected, but apparently it was something along the lines of cable TV...

"They're dead...It's a bit late for them to be getting neurotic about it."
Hey Oxygen, what game is it for 989 Studios? On a side note, have you seen any of 989 Studios PS2 sports games? I was at E3 in June and they weren't showing anything for PS2 yet.