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Why is green selected for so much in nature? Plants, Grass, Leaves? It is so common, why?
why is the sky blue, why are clouds white, why is a rose red? its just how we percieve things. they are all made of chemicals, and different chemicals cause light to react differently which affects how we see it. chlorophyll causes a green color in plants.
The sky is blue because bue has the shortest wavelength of all the visible colours, so it penetrates the atmosphere easily. Roses are red because of their pigmentation. Clouds...uh... I'll get back to you on that one.
Communist Hamster said:
The sky is blue because bue has the shortest wavelength of all the visible colours, so it penetrates the atmosphere easily. Roses are red because of their pigmentation. Clouds...uh... I'll get back to you on that one.
yeah, and clouds are white because the water molecules in them disperse the light evenly, reflecting it all.
Our sun is a type G star. That means that the median frequency of its electromagnetic radiation is green on the visible light scale. Organisms that derive their energy from solar radiation will get the most energy if their receptors are tuned to that frequency. So they evolved chlorophyll-based metabolisms, which are perfectly tuned.
Em.... Frag?

A green object appears green in colour because its surface refracts light at that wavelength and absorbs others. Since green plants refract green the wavelength of light they are actually absorbing is greens exact opposite, which is red.
Fraggle Rocker said:
Our sun is a type G star. That means that the median frequency of its electromagnetic radiation is green on the visible light scale. Organisms that derive their energy from solar radiation will get the most energy if their receptors are tuned to that frequency. So they evolved chlorophyll-based metabolisms, which are perfectly tuned.
the visible light scale is not in the middle of the electromagnetic spectrum. plus green light is reflected, not absorbed, like what mr. anonymous said. and none of this would be dependant upon the type of star the sun is.