Great, more laws

To clarify, the 3rd sentence should read: "This new law makes this piercing illegal for women only?"
I am happy to know that Georgia law is only restricting the rights of women. It still allows me to have a bolt a quarter inch or more thick driven though my penis. Just what I have been thinking about for years. I am allowed to get it done without an anesthetic?

What does Georgia law say about drilling a hole through the palm of your hand? I guess that both men and women are allowed to have this done.
Conservative culture police to the rescue! Well I'm certainly glad that these Georgia conservatives are sticking it to the weirdoes and degenerates of their state, hopefully next they'll outlaw tattoos, and intern those who already have them, but refuse to cut off those portions of skin which have been desecrated.

It's a common conservative viewpoint that this country is going straight to hell. With them running things, it's really no wonder that this is so.

It sounds as though this bill was designed to prevent non-consensual clitoral mutilation like the so called female circumcision that we’ve heard about in the Middle East, and I would certainly approve of a measure like that. . . but why in gods name should Gorgonian women now risk jail time for adorning their clitorises with jewelry? How do you even enforce a law like that? Then again this may not be intended as the sort of law that gets enforced, but just one of those things that makes conservatives get all happy because they've once again used their legislative power to give a big old sour disapproving frown at another social element that they disapprove of.
Yes, the first thing that struck me about this is that it is wholly unenforceable. And that's exactly how a law such as this pleases me -- every new law that's passed which attempts to restrict personal freedom and which cannot be enforced, weakens all other laws. It becomes harder and harder to take seriously any type of legal restriction. Of course, that's the idealist in me talking, and I question the practical validity of that sometimes. But, even if this gets through the Georgia senate and is passed, I trust that women who want genital piercings will have no trouble getting them by either going to another state or by patronizing an underground establishment.

Here's to unenforceable laws!
The representative quoted wasn't even aware that people voluntarily get their genitals pierced. The people who were involved with this bill should be barred from holding elected office, because it is clear that they do not have what it takes to legislate responsibly.

It sounded like it started out as a bill to ban the so called "Female circumcision" which I am all for, but then some joker tacked on the whole piercing thing, and people agreed to that to without having a clue what it is about!

Like Mystech said, are tattoos next? Maybe hair dye after that? If they had any understanding of the issue, or their own powers, they could never have voted for a bill like that. But I guess as long as a man can still go and get a PA without the government breathing down his neck the people will manage to not rise up in protest.
"The representative quoted wasn't even aware that people voluntarily get their genitals pierced. The people who were involved with this bill should be barred from holding elected office, because it is clear that they do not have what it takes to legislate responsibly."

The scary thing is, our government is filled with clowns like this.
The question that follows is: How do we avoid bs legislation like this? Better educate the masses? Term limits? What? :confused:
One removed from America's wang

Remember, this is Georgia we're talking about.

They're probably feeling a little low since their benchmark gay-hating law was struck down by Lawrence v. Texas.

Look, the article clearly shows the ignorance we're dealing with:
Amendment sponsor Rep. Bill Heath, R-Bremen, was slack-jawed when told after the vote that some adults seek the piercings.

"What? I've never seen such a thing," Heath said. "I, uh, I wouldn't approve of anyone doing it. I don't think that's an appropriate thing to be doing."
Yeah, after the vote. That's about the time to start educating yourself on what your proposed law will actually do. I believe the signs on the highway going in now read, "Welcome to Georgia, we're next door to Florida for a reason!"
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No one said republicans are smart ppl, if there is on thing I noticed about most conservatives is that they like to shoot off their mouths. But sadly for them they usually don’t know what they are saying, that just proves it. If piercing is being banned, what is next? I am amazed that providence hasn't been introduced as the new science, screw psychics! (Those damned enlightened liberals)
More ridiculous unenforceable laws will lead to more people being criminals which will lead to all laws being viewed through a different lense.

In general, people are conditioned to obey all laws as they are there for our benefit(its part of public schooling) later, most people take the step to say that you can disagree with laws and some laws can be wrong, but then you work to change them, you still never break them.
Others go on to say that if laws are stupid, breaking them harmless, and you can get away with breaking them, then go ahead. This third position becomes more likely in my opinion when there are a lot of silly laws that people can't help but break. In that sense, I think its a good thing, as this third position is the most healthy.
Well you voted for it... see the thing is that in other countries (not all, not all people either, I know) but in other countries ppl are stupid enough to want to pierce their clits... and those who do want to... well there isn't so many that it needs to be banned so who cares?
Rainbow, I think you missed the idea of what this law is, how it was changed, and who voted for it.

The bill passed 160 and 0, with no debate.

You've got to respect these guys.

They're just like the Israelis. They don't hesitate or give a half-ass effort.
They get the job done.
Madscientist1 said:
I guese people in Georgia have nothing else more constructive to do.

We really, really don't. The citizens tried to get the state flag turned back to the one with the Confederate battle flag after it had been changed to a less politically-charged and offensive to some flag. Then they tried to change the word "evolution" to "biological changes over time" in schools. We're currently debating our own gay marriage ban.

Most of the time, though, we're just stuck in traffic.

My question: if you've already had this done, will the criminal penalties apply? If so, I know of a couple of chicks, who have pissed me off in the past, that I'd like to turn in.
I've seen the traffic in Georgia, at least roundabout Atlanta.

Even in the rural/semi-suburban areas, it can be inordinately congested...

... which is my nice word for "hey-mother-fucker-get-in-the-lane-where-your-slow-ass-belongs-and-no-I-don't-care-if-you've-got-kids-in-that-bus-with-you".
You know why they do this? Its so that if you ever piss the gvt off, theyll have you up on some charge and jailed faster than you can say "i have my righ......"
"hello im mr policeman, i need to inspect your genitals to make sure you dont have any piercings there"

anyone else think that that would be a breach of privacy?