

Valued Senior Member
Went and saw it last night. Brilliant. Very different to most movies.

Wife thought it was boring.
14 year old son, like me, thought it was brilliant.
Went and saw it last night. Brilliant. Very different to most movies.

Wife thought it was boring.
14 year old son, like me, thought it was brilliant.

It's an excellent movie. I saw an interview with Bullock who said up to 250 people worked on each individual frame of those sequences. Great suspense all the way through, each time one problem was solved, another one created itself, right to the very end.

Agreed, brilliant movie.
It is certainly on my list to see as an avid Si/Fi fan.....

In my opinion the greatest Sci/Fi movies I have seen are....
[1] 2001: A Space Odyssey
[2] Contact
[3] The Day the Earth Stood Still: 1953 version.
[4] Forbidden Planet
[5] Mission to Mars
[6] Star Trek series of movies.

2001 though ranks head and shoulders above the rest.
It is certainly on my list to see as an avid Si/Fi fan.....

In my opinion the greatest Sci/Fi movies I have seen are....
[1] 2001: A Space Odyssey
[2] Contact
[3] The Day the Earth Stood Still: 1953 version.
[4] Forbidden Planet
[5] Mission to Mars
[6] Star Trek series of movies.

2001 though ranks head and shoulders above the rest.

Contact is one of the worst sci fi movies ever. Absolutely terrible.
Gravity was alright, I liked it really, it was one of the more realistic space sci-fi, at least visually, I have seen in while... that said it was filled with huge errors and impossibilities.

For example Soyuz can't eject its parachutes without depressurizing the capsule, since the parachutes are stored inside the pressure capsule:


Those "bags" behind Sandra when she in Soyuz are not simply ubiquitous bags IRL, but the parachutes.

But beside that the Soyuz mock-up they used in the movie was very accurate visually:

Another flaw, or impossibility, is that Hubble, ISS and the Chinese Space station are not in the same orbits, orbit separated by thousands of m/s, as in you would need to change your velocity by orders of up to kilometers a second to change and match orbits it would be impossible no matter how long of time to space walk from one to the other, even existing space craft don't have enough fuel to change orbits that much. For example one big hurdle for undertaking final repairs onto Hubble was that a Space shuttle lunched to fix it could not get to ISS for rescue if it had a problem that prevented re-entry. The Chinese don't even have a large spacetation yet, and if they do I doubt they would place it in the same orbit as ISS.

And what the heck was with the scene where Sandra is barely caught by ISS and is holding on to George and there some kind of force pushing them constantly away from ISS, what the heck was that?

And I could go on and on, but it "looked" very realistic, got to give them points for that.
Gravity... i give it 5 stars out of 10.!!!
It was just interestin enuff to watch due to the special effects but i wasnt disapointed when it was finally over.!!!
Ther was only 2 characters... but didnt get to know ether one of 'em good enuff to realy care if they made it or not.!!!
Gravity... i give it 5 stars out of 10.!!!
It was just interestin enuff to watch due to the special effects but i wasnt disapointed when it was finally over.!!!
Ther was only 2 characters... but didnt get to know ether one of 'em good enuff to realy care if they made it or not.!!!

It doesn't in my opinion hold a candle to the greatest Sci/Fi movie ever made, and was released in 1968.....
2001: a Space Odyssey:
It doesn't in my opinion hold a candle to the greatest Sci/Fi movie ever made, and was released in 1968.....
2001: a Space Odyssey:

1968... an 2001: a Space Odyssey will still be high on the list for 10 to 20 more years.!!!

I also lked "Alien" an "Blade Runner" a lot.!!!

One of my earliest favorite scifi movies was "Westworld".!!!

I also liked "Zotz" in 1962 when it came out... it was silly... but i thout it sure woud be fun to be able to fly :)
Still haven't seen Gravity... not too fussed about it as a story, but I understand the visuals to be stunning.
And since I have a 3m screen (yes - a 10-ft screen from corner to corner) and a 3D-projector, I'm not too disappointed about missing it at the cinema.

1968... an 2001: a Space Odyssey will still be high on the list for 10 to 20 more years.!!!

I also lked "Alien" an "Blade Runner" a lot.!!!

One of my earliest favorite scifi movies was "Westworld".!!!

I also liked "Zotz" in 1962 when it came out... it was silly... but i thout it sure woud be fun to be able to fly :)
"Alien" and "Aliens" are great, as is "Blade Runner", and of course 2001 is a classic.
But I also think "Dune" is a classic... but I think I'm in a minority! :)
I also have a soft-spot for Disney's "The Black Hole"!
1968... an 2001: a Space Odyssey will still be high on the list for 10 to 20 more years.!!!

I also lked "Alien" an "Blade Runner" a lot.!!!

One of my earliest favorite scifi movies was "Westworld".!!!

I also liked "Zotz" in 1962 when it came out... it was silly... but i thout it sure woud be fun to be able to fly :)

The Day the Earth Stood Still: is and always will be a favourite of mine...I'm speaking of the 1953 version with Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal........and who could forget Gort!!!!
"Klaatu barada nikto" :)

I also liked "Contact" with Jodie Foster, and "Mission to Mars"
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1968... an 2001: a Space Odyssey will still be high on the list for 10 to 20 more years.!!!

I also lked "Alien" an "Blade Runner" a lot.!!!

One of my earliest favorite scifi movies was "Westworld".!!!

I also liked "Zotz" in 1962 when it came out... it was silly... but i thout it sure woud be fun to be able to fly :)

Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
The Day the Earth Stood Still: is and always will be a favourite of mine...I'm speaking of the 1953 version with Michael Rennie and Patricia Neal........and who could forget Gord!!!!
"Klaatu barada nikto" :)

Yeah it was really somptin for its time... an Gord didnt mess around... he was unstopable an simply got the job done.!!!

I saw a Super man move a couple of days ago "The Man of Steel"... an i give it 3 out of 10.!!!
For a super hero... he was a confused wimp that let his anger get the best of him... an him an the bad guy runnin into each other an knockin into buildins got old quick.!!! Russel Crow was the best part of the movie... but if Superman had been more Super like "Gord"... it woud have been much better.!!!

I also liked "Contact" with Jodie Foster, and "Mission to Mars"

I was really lookin forward to "Contact" an enjoyed most of the movie even tho it was a bit slow... but the way it ended jus didnt seem all that satisfyin.!!!

The Trailer of "missin to Mars" looks interestin so im gonna give it a watch :)

Still haven't seen Gravity... not too fussed about it as a story, but I understand the visuals to be stunning.
And since I have a 3m screen (yes - a 10-ft screen from corner to corner) and a 3D-projector, I'm not too disappointed about missing it at the cinema.

Wit a set-up like that... i might have given Gravity 6 stars out to 10 (prolly not) :)
"Alien" and "Aliens" are great, as is "Blade Runner", and of course 2001 is a classic.
But I also think "Dune" is a classic... but I think I'm in a minority! :)
I also have a soft-spot for Disney's "The Black Hole"!
To me... watchin "Dune" was like torture...
I looked at the Trailer of "The Black Hole" an it looks fun so im gonna watch it.!!!

Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
I saw it a long time ago but i remember likin it... those was som bad-azz Clowns :)
...I also think "Dune" is a classic... but I think I'm in a minority! :)
To me... watchin "Dune" was like torture...


I watched Dune agan a few mounths ago… an i liked it beter than the first time i saw it around 20 years ago.!!!

This time im retired an gettin 8 hours a night an was able to stay awake as opposed to the prevous time when i was workin 2 jobs an slept thru a lot of the show an coudnt make sinse out of it :?

An this time i felt glued to my seat so not to miss a thang… an what helped me to enjoy it was… i watched it as tho i was seein the nightmare someone was havin :eek:

By watchin wit this proper attitude… insted of “hated it”... i now give it 6 out of 7 stars :cool:

I just watched the trailer for Dune 2020 an it looks realy good.!!!
