gravity waves detected, connection to Gen 1:3,6,9,14?

Could have posted this under Humour, but sounds suspiciously like really old speech coming from the past. "god" said.
I think it's an attempt to claim the latest detection of gravity waves as somehow being within the Bible... through the comparison of gravity waves to sound waves... and since both have the term "waves" then surely gravity waves must be the way that the "voice of God" travels.

So no, I don't think it could have been posted under humour, as humour generally needs to be funny.
Three. The christian god is a holy trinity. But now I actually undertand where that comes from :tongue:
Well if God is a triad of black holes merging, that is quite a convincing argument that God does not exist (as a triad. Many gods as pairs of merging BHs might, but not the Christian triad version)

Here is a paper estimating how often a PAIR of black holes merge: Their conclusion in Fig 5 is:

Between more than one per year and a couple hundred per year in a giga parse cubic volume. (A parse is about 31 trilion Km and giga is E12, I think) I. e. It is a very big volume that would have one per year pair of Black Holes merging and their collision, even including the "ring down time," is less than a second.

The probably of three black holes merging (instead of two merging followed by a third merging with their union less than a second later) is vanishingly small, even for the entire universe. So god, as the simultaneous merger of three black holes does not exist. QED.

The Jews, were correct: If god exist as black hole merger, he/she is a unity, not a triad.

PS Will some mod please close this thread - there are at least two others, with serious content.
Black-holes are not God. good point, There is talk that with the coming advances we will be detect the "sounds" of the big bang gravity waves Some COBE researchers phantasised about seeing the "hand of "god" perhaps they will grow eloquent when they hear or see the jiggle of the oldest rithm.
Turns out that the frequencies of these old incoming signals are audible to humans, ~ 100 Herz , when converted to pressure in air. It will be great when events closer to 13 billion years distant will show up on our better instruments.
Three. The christian god is a holy trinity. But now I actually undertand where that comes from
To a deist, these are unverifiable details, but any work in progress would make noise, leave evidence, and it is good to feel the vibes in the triangular instruments, make them audible.