No, look, you seem to have misunderstood what I've been saying to chinglu.
You are correct that there is no causal connection between any astronomical cycle and a clock tick rate, the connection is that both are clocks. The only requirement for a system to be a clock is that it exhibit regular periodic motion. To be relevant to the twin paradox, it will need a period that is sufficiently small, such that two values can be compared when the traveling twin returns.
In fact, if the traveling twin can observe the earth's motion, then he has a clock which is identical to the stationary twin's clock, which is the periodic motion of the earth. That's all they need to compare.
The traveler will report that they measured the same number of orbits, but that the earth wasn't orbiting at a constant rate, assuming they can determine the earth's velocity, which isn't too far away from determining its position, which is required so that you can count the number of orbits.
Hi arfa.
No problem with all that, mate. It's the usual form of explanation given for the scenario involved. Everyone else has tried to explain it to chinglu using similar approaches. That's the problem, since the usual explanatory approaches haven't seemed to dispel chinglu's confusion.
It is that confusion that I am specifically addressing in a different way than usual, by pointing out to chinglu he subtle aspects and conflations which are at the root of his confusion and hence his self-manufactured 'paradox'.
Your explanation, just like all the other usual ones saying that they see the Earth orbit at higher/lower rate for the same absolute number of orbits is what his confusion is all about; simply because he conflates "living/witnessing" EXTERNAL astronomical positional data set/process with INTERNAL 'aging/ticking' data set/process.
Which is why your usual explanation so far only ingrains his confusion because you already ascribe the twins/clocks with 'foreknowledge' that the traveling twin 'witnesses/lives' through a faster rate of 12 Earth orbits than the slower rate of the same 12 Earth orbits 'lived/witnessed' by the stay-put twin!
See? The only way to dispel chinglu's confusion is to remove any such A-PRIORI/ASSUMED 'connection' between the astronomical 'orbits' data/process and the biology/clock data/process altogether once the experiment is under way....and so run a BLIND EXPERIMENT wherein only the biology/clock data is internal, and the orbit data is external. That way no confusion between the two creeps into it from the get-go.
Only after the experiment is run, and comparisons are made, should any 'correlation' between orbits number and clock/biology counts/aging be attempted! That will avoid his confusions, by eliminating the initial assumptions and disconnected conflations which led him to believe that a 'paradox' was involved.
That's all I was doing. I wasn't criticizing/misunderstanding your/others "usual" explanations!
I was just concentrating on addressing the specific/subtle causes of his confusion, and explaining it all in a different way than the usual in order to highlight those specifics/subtleties involved, above and beyond the usual explanation that one sees the orbits going 'faster' or 'slower' etc.
And as for considering the Earth-sun orbital cycle/system as a 'clock' much as the atomic clocks carried by the twins, I must point out that UNLESS you can CARRY the Earth-sun system WITH you when you move like th traveling twin does, then you cannot consider it a 'clock' in the same way, because once the traveling twin and his clock move off then the Earth-sun system is causally/totally DISCONNECTED from twin biology/clock rates....again, unless the traveling twin can carry with him an identical Earth-sun orbital system as his 'clock' which case it will then be seen to go 'out of synch' with the stay-put Earth-sun 'clock'...because the traveling twin is observing both the stay-put system and his own system in its newly INHERENT rate state! Only then can a continuous 'connection' be kept between the traveling 'clock' and the astronomical 'clock' data sets/processes...and the observed respective slowing/speeding of orbital rate/counts continuously 'read off' by either twin as the case may be for the SAME orbit numbers..
Anyhow, I think I've said all I wanted to say on this for chinglu's sake especially.
And I've run out of time again; and probably won't have time to post again for a few days. So until we speak again...Cheers, arfa, chinglu, everyone...and enjoy your discussions!