Gravity, Light, and Sound in the 4th dimension


Registered Member
Outside of our 3-dimensional space, there could exist a realm of 4-spatial dimensions. This 4th dimension would enable normally impossible things to become possible, the rates at which things change would be reduced, shapes would look much different, and many other things. In this 'hyperspace' things would take on a 4th dimension. Gravity between objects is a perfect example of how rates of change would change drastically. The formula for gravity in our space is: 'dv(m1)dv(m2)/d^2', or the density of the first object multiplied by its volume times the second objects density times volume, all over the distance between the two gravititational singularities. This can just be rewritten as m(1)m(2)/d^2 where m(1) stands for the mass in the first object. But, in hyperspace, the objects mass is much larger, because it has taken on another dimension. After some thought, I decided the formula for gravity in hyperspace would be the (cube root(m(1)m(2))^4/d^3. This would mean that the objects mass would be much larger, because mass occupies the 4th dimension as well. This also means that gravity would decrease several times faster than it already does, because instead of an inverse square, it would decrease by an inverse cube. So, if you doubled your distance from mass 1, you would 1/8th the gravitational attraction between your two masses, instead of 1/4thing it. This is because gravity has to occupy a fourth dimension as well. The same would go for sound, and light. Sound would have to go through more air, thereby reducing it's strength. Also, light. We would have to be much closer to the sun in order to continue living. But, because it's mass would be much larger (if it's size stayed the same) it would burn much faster, but would be releasing light that decreased much faster than as it does here. And as we got closer, it's enormous gravity would suck it straight into the sun. Of course, we'd burn up way before we even got close to the sun, because the light increases by a cube, too. I don't even think with our sun that it would be possible to have life on Earth. This is just a basic go-over, ask some questions or leave a comment.
Outside of our 3-dimensional space, there could exist a realm of 4-spatial dimensions.

You're just a little behind in this - there are already four recognized dimensions. :) The fourth is called spacetime. And we all exist and live in all four of them already.
After some thought, I decided the formula for gravity in hyperspace would be the (cube root(m(1)m(2))^4/d^3. This would mean that the objects mass would be much larger, because mass occupies the 4th dimension as well. This also means...
That's all well and good. What is your point here? Are you espousing this as a real possibility? Or is this just a random idea that you think is interesting for some reason?

As an example, I just decided that in a few more years, the cosmological constant will change enough that the local speed of light will approach infinity, thus allowing easy interstellar commerce.

That's all well and good. What is your point here? Are you espousing this as a real possibility? Or is this just a random idea that you think is interesting for some reason?

As an example, I just decided that in a few more years, the cosmological constant will change enough that the local speed of light will approach infinity, thus allowing easy interstellar commerce.


It could be real, I suppose. It's more of just a fun thing to think about than anything serious, I suppose.
You're just a little behind in this - there are already four recognized dimensions. :) The fourth is called spacetime. And we all exist and live in all four of them already.

Perhaps you missed the 'spatial' part of the quote. Time isn't a dimension, it is just a way of measuring the rate at which things change.
Ok then. As long as we're all on the same page.

Well if everybody doesn't like free thought, I'll take the post down. I just had a bit of fun thinking about dimensional analysis, and what would happen in a fourth dimension. Beings from the fourth dimension would actually be able to see every part of a 3d object, if dimensional analysis holds for the 4th. Just kind of fun, not too serious.
Well if everybody doesn't like free thought, I'll take the post down. I just had a bit of fun thinking about dimensional analysis, and what would happen in a fourth dimension. Beings from the fourth dimension would actually be able to see every part of a 3d object, if dimensional analysis holds for the 4th. Just kind of fun, not too serious.
Hell no! That's fine! We just worry that we're going on another trip into pseudoscience la-la land, that's all. I speculate about this stuff as much as the next guy...

I personally think speculating about 4 spacial dimensions is mind-expanding.
Hell no! That's fine! We just worry that we're going on another trip into pseudoscience la-la land, that's all. I speculate about this stuff as much as the next guy...

I personally think speculating about 4 spacial dimensions is mind-expanding.

Oh, so that's why you guys moved it. That's kinda funny though, "I speculate about this stuff as much as the next guy."
Perhaps you missed the 'spatial' part of the quote. Time isn't a dimension, it is just a way of measuring the rate at which things change.

Nope, didn't miss a thing. I didn't say just time - I said spacetime - the inseparable inter-meshing of time AND space.

And if that doesn't qualify as the fourth spatial dimension, then exactly what IS spacetime by your line of reasoning??
Nope, didn't miss a thing. I didn't say just time - I said spacetime - the inseparable inter-meshing of time AND space.

And if that doesn't qualify as the fourth spatial dimension, then exactly what IS spacetime by your line of reasoning??

i doubt spacetime can be explained in any meaningful concrete way for most people. it is beyond the human experience. we view the world only in 3 dimensions very few people can even begin to concept what a view point from 4 dimensions would be like.
i doubt spacetime can be explained in any meaningful concrete way for most people. it is beyond the human experience. we view the world only in 3 dimensions very few people can even begin to concept what a view point from 4 dimensions would be like.

May I ask what you think that has to do with it? There are lots of things that many people can't grasp...
I think Gravity is a 4th dimensional force....By it's very definition associated with the space time continuum it must be. It also has unique traits that identify it in some ways capable of transcending this universe's plane of existence.
May I ask what you think that has to do with it? There are lots of things that many people can't grasp...

its like trying to explain color to someone who has been blind their entire life. they have no frame of refrence to go on. most people can't see something out side of there frame of refernce. i know spacetime is the 4th dimension and can with some research decribe in technical term but being able to decribe it in a concrete down to earth way of how it flows with the other 3 dimensions i cannot do so. i can point something out that is of the first 3 dimensions but the fourth no can do.
its like trying to explain color to someone who has been blind their entire life. they have no frame of refrence to go on. most people can't see something out side of there frame of refernce. i know spacetime is the 4th dimension and can with some research decribe in technical term but being able to decribe it in a concrete down to earth way of how it flows with the other 3 dimensions i cannot do so. i can point something out that is of the first 3 dimensions but the fourth no can do.

You can probably do better than you think. For example, in telling someone about something that happened: in addition to telling them in the three common dimensions (building on the corner of 10th and Main on the third floor) you can also tell them when. (Last Monday, or middle of March, etc.)
You can probably do better than you think. For example, in telling someone about something that happened: in addition to telling them in the three common dimensions (building on the corner of 10th and Main on the third floor) you can also tell them when. (Last Monday, or middle of March, etc.)

i don't know i guess i view time and space time differently