Where is the INFORMATION in Einstein's equation that describes the shape of a body with mass?
I think you need to consider carefully what the EFEs do and what they don't do. A body with mass is a
source of gravity, and as such it is described by the stress-energy-momentum tensor, being the source term in the field equations. This tensor is what you
input into the EFEs, and what comes
out of them are the 10 independent components of the metric tensor. That is all the EFEs do - they provide a system of equations which allows us to find the components of the metric tensor. Once we have that, we can then go on and examine the behaviour of our mass given that metric, e.g. using the tools of relativistic fluid dynamics. The EFEs as such do not directly contain any information about shapes of bodies, but they do give us relations between the various quantities involved; for example, in the case of the interior Schwarzschild solution, the EFEs together with the geodesics equations directly yield the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equations.
A quick word on the curvature objects - firstly, there is the Riemann tensor. This tensor is the only object which contains
all information with regards to space-time geometry at any given point. Geometrically, it can be understood as a measure of geodesic deviation, i.e. as a measure of how the separation vector between geodesics changes from point to point. More accurately, it is a direct measure of the failure of the covariant derivative to commute.
Secondly, we have the Ricci tensor; this is a contraction of Riemann across two indices. Geometrically this object measures how the volume of a small "ball" deviates from that of a reference "ball" in flat Euclidean space. It is important to remember that Ricci curvature is a "reduced" form of curvature in that it does not contain the same information as the Riemann curvature tensor. Practically this means that a vanishing Ricci tensor does
not necessarily imply a flat space-time.
Thirdly, there is the Ricci scalar, which is a contraction of the Ricci tensor across both indices. This object measures how much the sum of angles of a small triangle in space-time deviates from 180 degrees. Once again, a vanishing Ricci scalar does
not imply a flat space-time.
The last important object ( which does not directly appear in the EFEs ) is the Weyl tensor; this tensor measures tidal accelerations, i.e. once again geodesic deviations, but, unlike the Riemann tensor, it measures
only those. It therefore contains less information than the full Riemann tensor. The Weyl tensor can be understood as the information which is "missing" from the Ricci tensor to make up the full Riemann curvature. For example, in Schwarzschild vacuum around a static black hole the Ricci tensor vanishes, but the Weyl tensor does not; on the other hand, near the Big Bang singularity the Weyl tensor would have been very small, but the Ricci tensor was very large. Thus, the Weyl tensor can be used to physically distinguish between gravitational and cosmological singularities - this is known as the Weyl curvature hypothesis.
Hopefully this makes things a little clearer.