Grave News!

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Cranky old fool
Registered Senior Member
Grave news is that our soul is a breath of life from God's own body. As such, it is indestructible. Our soul is buried alive sealed inside our coffin. Our flesh is the only part of our corporeal that dies. Our soul has senses same as our flesh. It can sense pain and suffering or torment.

The centripetal force of earth's gravity can pull our soul towards its magma chamber. Molten rock melts to lava temperatures that range from 700 to 1200 degrees centigrade. It is impossible for the heat to destroy our soul. Yet it can torment our soul for as long as it remains here on earth. The magma chamber is the Lake of fire.

Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost acts as a centrifugal force to resurrect us from the dead and lift us up into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Soon, God our Father will call for each of us to come home. He will succumb us with a deep sleep as we're buried in our graves. It is vital that we do not tremble. Our Comforter will come into our coffin to comfort us as we await Christ.

Listen for Jesus' voice. He will call to resurrect us from the dead. Those, who haven't received the baptism of the Holy Spirit may quiver. They may not hear him call out their names.

May God have mercy on their souls.

[25] Verily, verily, I say unto you, The hour is coming, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God: and they that hear shall live.
stanleyg said:
Grave news is that our soul is a breath of life from God's own body. As such, it is indestructible. Our soul is buried alive sealed inside our coffin. Our flesh is the only part of our corporeal that dies. Our soul has senses same as our flesh. It can sense pain and suffering or torment.

The centripetal force of earth's gravity can pull our soul towards its magma chamber. Molten rock melts to lava temperatures that range from 700 to 1200 degrees centigrade. It is impossible for the heat to destroy our soul. Yet it can torment our soul for as long as it remains here on earth. The magma chamber is the Lake of fire.

Christ, through the power of the Holy Ghost acts as a centrifugal force to resurrect us from the dead and lift us up into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Soon, God our Father will call for each of us to come home. He will succumb us with a deep sleep as we're buried in our graves. It is vital that we do not tremble. Our Comforter will come into our coffin to comfort us as we await Christ.

Listen for Jesus' voice. He will call to resurrect us from the dead. Those, who haven't received the baptism of the Holy Spirit may quiver. They may not hear him call out their names.

May God have mercy on their souls.


M*W: You're preaching, and that's against the rules. You've been asked to not hyperlink every other word, but you continue to do so. You have nothing new to say, and your posts are not conducive to debate. What was your real purpose for coming here?
What's the deal with the hyperlinking? I think most people know what most of those words mean. (and you're full of crap)
Thread closed - preaching - no attempt at debate.
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