graphic design


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
next fall i start college, and i dont think ill ever decided what i want to major in. however, a few people have suggested that i look into graphic design, and, what ive heard of so far sounds fun. but i really dont know a whole lot about it. anyone with some information on this topic?:confused:
What do you want to know about it?
Yes, of vourse it's fun, if you are artistically inclined, are you?
But jobs can be hard to find these days since so many are getting into this field.
I don't have any schools to recommend ufortunately...

Originally posted by nightfall
next fall i start college, and i dont think ill ever decided what i want to major in.

You don't choose major until you are sophomore or junior. Most people change. Choosing major should be a compromise between the economics and your interest. It should not be just your interest or just the money.

Also keep in mind that a lot of people don't pursuit the careers which they got their degree in. I choose engineering when I was in college. I wasn't sure how much I will enjoy engineering, but it is a superior degree. If you can get an engineer degree from a good school, you can choose a lot of other professions which requires a four year degree. A lot of employers think if you are smart enough to be an engineering degree, you can be anything else. When I graduate from college, I could go into marketing or investment banking if I wanted to. I also thought about pursuing a teaching license.

Choosing a degree before you are in college is premature. If you major in art, you are going to be in a studio 70 hours a week. Art major requires a lot of work and you won't make much money. You should major in engineer or physics because 90+ % of people in class room are guys.
You should major in engineer or physics because 90+ % of people in class room are guys.

id never last. anyway, any decent college would look at my grades and say "no way." I rhink id be better off taking someting im interested in, and math and science really arn't thos things. (finding sciforums was an accident, but i like it here anyhow. it makes me feel intelligent. ):p