Government Allies With ET?


Registered Senior Member
How many of you feel as I do that in some way the U.S. Government has been or is presently in contact with beings of extra terrestrial or of unknown Terrestrial origin? And what reasons would they feel it would be in the best interest of National Security to keep this information Classified at the Highest level. Militarily Advantageous?, Inpending Armageddon?...Ect As much as I and countless others would like to know the truth could humanity accept and welcome them to our planet?? We as humans seem to have enough problems dealing with our own kind. How would we react to them? Could it be we are just not ready???
I think that mankind is not ready for "IT"

But I know that there are some people that are ready for "IT"

There are many secrets in this world and I want to find out what these secrets are.
I wonder if the government doesn't inform us of this reality due to concerns about the effects of the disclosure on our social, religious, and economic world order. I also believe that disclosure would reveal "free" sources of energy that would make our dependence on fossil fuel petroleum obsolete. This is clearly not in the best interest of the current administration.

If the EBEs themselves want to be revealed why don't they just reveal themselves? Why do they play these games of fleeting presence on the edges of our awareness and furtive nocturnal abductions? Makes you wonder if they really want all of us to know about and accept them.

Or maybe due to the fundamental nature of reality, their presence in our spacetime dimension requires our collective conscious conception of their fundamental reality. In this sense, they cannot exist and manifest themselves without human awareness and acceptance of their reality. Could it be that the government has learned that their intentions are not good and that cover-up exists to prevent their gaining a foothold in our dimension?
the problem is if the aliens intentions are not good, and the gov't willingly gives them hatever they want to prevent WAR. See if the public knew what was happening we would destroy the gov't for allowing this which the gov't doesn't want us to do.