Google to Store Patients' Health Records

Sweet, what a good way to find what people are allergic to and spike their food and drinks with it. Hitmen will rejoice at the ease this provides! Now that's great economic news, their business went up 1250% because of this!

- N
Sweet, what a good way to find what people are allergic to and spike their food and drinks with it. Hitmen will rejoice at the ease this provides! Now that's great economic news, their business went up 1250% because of this!

- N

Er dude;

"Google's new service, which won't be open to the general public. Each health profile, including information about prescriptions, allergies and medical histories, will be protected by a password "

I use online banking, protected via password, so why should this be any less secure?

I would volunteer for such a service if Google offered it in the UK. The NHS still have patients records in paper files, which get copied and physycally sent to specialists if you need to see one. Details being online would be far more convenient, and somehow, I doubt the NHS are going to get round to typing it all up nd storing it on computer, and with the recent spate of data losses by UK Govt depts, I'd trust Google over them by far!
they are concidering putting Australian medical records into electronic form. Would have been nice if they had kept the idea of linking it to the medicare card so that ambo's and A&E's could have had access to a medical history of someone they atended but we cant all get what we want
they are concidering putting Australian medical records into electronic form. Would have been nice if they had kept the idea of linking it to the medicare card so that ambo's and A&E's could have had access to a medical history of someone they atended but we cant all get what we want

Yeah, that would be cool. Instead of the proposed ID card system the UK Govt are saying will safeguard us from terrorism (you know, 'cos we are in mortal danger constantly, NOT) the Govt could spend the money creating an NHS database of patient records, and issue cards to people that would allow emergency crew to access a persons data.

That sort of stuff could save lives in an emergency, but instead of saving real lives, our Govt would rather fight the phantom menace of terrorism.

If such a system were linked to our National Insurance numbers, the Govt would effectively have a national identity card system, but brought in with less opposition, and with a tangible benefit, but they are so stupid they can't see how to achieve what they want.
They were going to change the medicare card to be linked with all the other goverment services (pention, unemployment benifits ect). In reality the only benifit for them was the fact that they could bring in an ID card by stelth (they wanted to put biometrix data on it to prevent fraud surposedly). The origional idea was to link medical records electronically which would have been a good thing but that went in favor of the zero benifit of preventing fraud that was so small they would have lost more money than they gained. Now the whole idea has been dumped with the election of the Rudd gov. Its a real pitty because it would make ambulance work so much easier if we could access med records of an uncontious collaps and know that for instance they suffer diabites or epilepsy

Oh well
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