Google Retards and Wound up here?


Registered Member
Just for giggles I Googled " Why is it Illegal to Kill Retards" and this Site popped up
this guy Roman was Comparing a Fetus to a Retarded person
that is just Screwed up?
to me a mentally disabled person is alive and well and under some sort of supervision
then there are those who's Brains are misfiring
by this I mean they live in their own world
could be the hillbilly/redneck next door
or like my former neighbor who thinks all female life forms are his for the taking (any where from 9 years old to 45):eek: he waltzes in my home like he owns it complains about his roommates carries a Badge that clearly states Security( his father a Retired Sheriffs Deputy) as well as a convicted of a Felony who seams to think he is going to get a hand gun next year( this should never happen nor should this person be allowed to mate un less the matting is supervised for Science research only)in fact I live in a run down trailer park which could be a whole study on social misfits high school drop outs. yet we could carry this a step couldn't we? with the economic disaster we are finding Every one is getting knocked down a peg
then there are those who's Brains are misfiring
by this I mean they live in their own world

Voices: "Stay with us Chimpy, it's safe here...only us, you don't need them..."

*Notices other humanoids*

What-what? oh hai, welcome to here...

*Sips coffee* Yeah, every so often Roman's posts bob a submerged carcass....
Voices: "Stay with us Chimpy, it's safe here...only us, you don't need them..."

*Notices other humanoids*

What-what? oh hai, welcome to here...

*Sips coffee* Yeah, every so often Roman's posts bob a submerged carcass....

that is funny Chimpkin . Ha Ha Ha Ha . Abortion topics are so much fun. Lots of dead bodies . I mean spa spa spa sperms and le le le let go of my eggos
Some people, when encountered in a really bad mood, do make you wish for retroactive abortion...

But no...
Just keep it legal up to the 52'nd trimester...that's when they can go get a job.
I mean, when they can work is when they can actually be called viable, after all ;).

Lots of dead bodies . I mean spa spa spa sperms and le le le let go of my eggos

Mikey, think of all the taxpayers you waste that way. Every sperm is sacred!:eek: You have to support social security!
Come on!

(Somehow I feel hoist upon mine own retard...)