Goodfellas,Wiseguys and America.


Valued Senior Member
The orgamized crime was stylized by Marlin Brando stuff and then some good works like mean streets and goodfellas,mobsters etc.theeir lifestyle has always held a privacy and has left a question mark on various people.the organized crime as people say still goes in U.S and as is shown in various movies is primarily dominated by Italians especially in U.S.
The FBI and CIA are always on the hunch of something about these people...still this goes on and goes like a big business.only difference is the morailty stuff.

Most of the times gangsters are related to the stuffs like killing and threatning.but it is a big misconception.they are into dozens of legitimate businesses,they just care for profit and money.
America has produced some of the greatest gangsters(PUN intended) in the whole world who have shaped the Mafia throughout the country and still the same style dominates that was there in days of Lucky Luciano or Alphonso Capone.

There is no ethical part of this business.the gangsters have dominated and terrorised people to extract money via extorions etc.this form of terrorism is cold blooded, where there's just one object :Money...this form of terrorism is the worst and requires urgent steps for elimination.


Disclamer:The following content is for Educational usage and not for anything else.i dont hold copyrights of this article.this is taken from Gangsters incorporated.ALL PROFILES ARE CREATED BY DAVID AMORUSO AND ARE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT


The United States have probably got the best known gangsters, from Al Capone to John Gotti you'll find them here.
First ofcourse the 5 New York Family's if you'll scroll down you'll see the other Family's or outfits, from Chicago, Philadelphia etc.

New York Mafia Family's

Gambino Crime Family
The Gambino Crime Family has been the most powerful mafia family in the U.S. for the last decades.
Now it is being decimated by the F.B.I. and all their bosses are either in jail or under indictment.
They are however still very powerful.

Genovese Crime Family
The Genovese Crime Family has been called the ivy league of organized crime.
They are the strongest and richest mafia family in the U.S. of the moment.

Bonanno Crime Family
The Bonanno Crime Family has had a rough time, they were banned from tre commission when their members were caught selling drugs and they were infiltrated by the famous Donnie Brasco, real name: Joseph Pistone, an undercover F.B.I. agent who helped decimate the Bonanno Crime Family. But they are making a comeback.

Colombo Crime Family
The Colombo Crime Family are controlled by father and son Persico, however due to a family war they also are weakened.

Lucchese Crime Family
The Lucchese Crime Family, they are the family wich pulled of the Lufthansa heist, they are the family seen in the movie 'Goodfellas' and from the book 'Wiseguy'. However that was a long time ago, now the family is infested with turncoats, and it's members are under either in prison, the witness protection center or seeing a prison shrink.


The Chicago 'Outfit'
Chicago, Al Capone those two are forever connected in every persons mind.
The Outfit is a different kind of Mafia.

Philadelphia Crime Family
The Philadelphia Crime Family isn't doing well. Down in Philly they had their own Gotti in the form of Nicodemo Scarfo and the Family is still recovering from the wave that followed when they were decimated by the F.B.I. and turncoats ran rampant.
