

Registered Senior Member
I'd like to extend my thanks and say goodbye to a good many of you here at Sciforums. You are super people and I shall miss you a great deal:

Wet1, kmguru, StRgrl, Chris, Chagur, Adam, Tyler, Tiassa, Asguard, Agent5, Goofyfish, Bebelina, CactusJack, Pollux, Avatar, Banshee, Xenu, and a good many others whom I've neglected to mention.

My best wishes to all of you. It's a small world, I hope that I'll bump into you again somewhere.

So long...
Auf wederstein...
:D :D :D :D

Oh JEEZ, I must be sick, today. I am in an extremely good mood. Must be Hormones.
I've left several times, but always came back.

Take a break for sure. And when you need to talk then come back.

The internet is planetwide so you cannot really leave. Don't feel that you have burnt your bridges by saying goodbye, this is really just farewell.

Your posts were always good. You have added value here.

Take care
You didn't mention me. Right when you last expect it, WHAM! Anvil up the backside!
Ortho you have consistently been one of my favourite member's to read. It's greatly disappointing to see you leave but I thank you for all your time here and wish you the best wherever you may go!

He didn't mention me and Xev. That is not all that surprising.

Gee, you think?


Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, going to the garden, gonna eat worms. :(

Seriously, Orthie, come back soon. I'm not exactly sure what has happened to make you want to leave - but do know that we'll be here when you come back.
I started to give an answer and it got delayed, so I had to come back to this thread and try again. (The power went out and we had tornado sirens going off)

I shall indeed miss you and your posts, orthogonal. You have brightened many a day and gave many a moment of pause and consideration.

I would join in Cris's mention of the lack of truly being able to burn one's bridges. I am sure that I echo many in thoughts that it would be nice to see you back again. Wish I knew why. Maybe that would ease the thought of you leaving. I know there are things we have to do; life calls always and we must answer it or ignore it at our peril.

Many times I have had "the small world" notion brought to the forefront as I have come across people from the past in the oddest places. When you consider just how small of a place I am originally from it drives it home with more force than for the average encounter. I have many times said goodbye only to encounter old friends again.

I would wish you well throughout your life, both for your and yours should our paths not meet again. I will hold hope this will not be the case and somewhere or when we will cross trails once more.

I find the life you have described as yours as an appealing one. One with a strong call. In another life or in this one with a slightly different choice I too would have went that way. It is good to know that the pioneer spirit has not died and is alive and well today for upon such roots was America built. Too remove its roots is to change what it is.

Fare thee well, friend...
Originally posted by Xev
Nobody loves me

I do I do


I really hope you come back and loosen up a little bit.

Well, tell you the truth besides those replies on my ham radio thread, I absolutely cannot remember any of your post like you never exist. I don't know if that is necessarily the end result of civility but that is the end result of the lack of personality. I think that is a fair criticism. I suggest you come back and first, add a avatar. Something interesting. Put some funny quotations in your signature. Insult Xev a few times. That is a good way to start.
Goodbye Michael. I'm really sorry to see you leave the boards. You have written a lot of good posts and it was always a joy to read them.

If I did not reply that often on them, then it was because of you telling it so well. I will miss your posts and presence here.

May your life go well for you and your loved ones. Stay your beautiful self, 'cause that is what you are. A beautiful human being.

Until we meet again. I sincerely hope you will be back at some time. See you then...:)
Ortho ...
I hope you have access to some of the genius posters here since I would appreciate more info on your lifestyle. Self-sustenance is the way of the future and I thank you for your input on the matter.

Go personal Agriculture!

Michael [/B]

I dont know if you'll ever get this, but I want to write it just in case. I hope that you find the peace that you want. I hope that you can cope with the perriles that may lay before you. I send you all my love, and my most positives thoughts are with you. Please dont let insenstive, arrognant people stop you from coming back. They are everywhere, you just have to learn, i spose, that people are just that, people.