Good Ufo videos


Registered Member
hey guys this is a site that has good videos.. also there is some great videos on the skyboard there.. its all good stuff you wont see on tv... they just dont show the good stuff on tv :).
not a UFO, sorry.

The Arizona incident was already proven to be flares used in night training missions for fighters.
Re: not a UFO, sorry.

Originally posted by Malaclypse
The Arizona incident was already proven to be flares used in night training missions for fighters.

Not to be a "Wet Blanket", but I tend to lean toward the aforementioned statement by Mr. malicious.

The witnessed movement of the likely flares could be produced by the movement of air, at the altitudes. They (flares) would tend to move together at similar speeds and distance from each other.

Also, another way to verify this is to get the manufacturer's data regarding the "burn time" of the types of flares which were used by the military in Arizona. If the videotaped Arizona UFO lights have a "Light Duration" which is very close to the flare duration data, then once again, like it not (I don't), the videotaped UFO probably was in fact flares dropped by the military.

That being said, I am NOT a disbeliever in UFO phenomena! In fact I have seen A UFO. Whether it was an Airplane or a Alien Spaceship, I have no evidence other than my observation of it.

Besides.......................I think that more people ought to be looking up into the Heavens for UFO's. The exercise and continued study may well turn up good evidence to support the claims of witnesses. In other words, it is to the Credit of the people who noticed & videotaped the Arizona UFO! In fact, what these people saw really was an honest to God UFO, although I am skeptical as to the extra terrestrial origin.

<i>"keep looking up!"</I> (Jack)
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Re: Re: not a UFO, sorry.

Whoops, Never mind about this one , but there is some killer footage going around the uk at the moment taken by a chap called sp..speel..speealb...speelberg...or,somthing like that. Anyway his title for the film is Close Encouters of the Third Kind, Check it out.
Re: Re: Re: not a UFO, sorry.

Originally posted by max
Whoops, Never mind about this one , but there is some killer footage going around the uk at the moment taken by a chap called sp..speel..speealb...speelberg...or,somthing like that. Anyway his title for the film is Close Encouters of the Third Kind, Check it out.

<font size="4"><font color="orange">ARE YOU FOR REAL????????, by God?????? </font color>

<b> Are you talking about the very old SCI-FI movie, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"?????

What's the deal??????? Is this a test of the Emergency Simplistic System?????

If you are trying to make a joke, then perhaps you should at least use a fractional amount of your education to do so!</b>

<font color ="red"> I would suggest that you go out and make some night observations, but I would not wish to feel responsible for the actions of a character, such as you!!!</font color></font size><font size ="2">

<font color ="orange">WHY DON'T YOU SAVE UP A FEW POUNDS/DOLLARS/ DEUTSCH MARKS/ ECT... & buy yourself a pretty decent telescope. learn about Astronomy! It's a great subject for furtile minds, & you will always have chance of actually seeing something in the night sky which is real!

The area of UFO sitings is already quite crowded without those who simply want some attention. If you have no sitings to report, then there is plenty of room for people who have spent time studying the phenomena.

God knows that an extra clear head, that is able to explain the sitings of the honest people, would be of great value!</font color>

<i><font color ="brown">In other words, If I want any shit out of you, I'll squeeze your head!!!!!! (Eddie Murphy(RAW)) </i></font color></font size>