Good to be here


Registered Member
I found this forum trying to adverise my website and I'm glad I did.
You see I have been studying UFOLOGY since 1967. That was when I had my first experience. I have some stories to share you all of you yet I'm not into debating the subject or try to convince anyone that they are real.

There are to kinds of people on this board I see and I respect everyone's opinion so don't try and change mine.

When I start sharing my stories I will ignore anything negative about my post and focus on the positive.

Please stay tuned for my first experience.
Hi Dave1. Welcome to sciforums. :)

Let them hear, your stories. I, too, look forward to reading them.

You see I have been studying UFOLOGY since 1967.

Yikes! :eek:

I'm not into debating the subject

Then you may have come to the wrong message board..

I will ignore anything negative about my post and focus on the positive.

Are you saying you'll ignore anyone who questions your claims ?
Great. One more intellectual adolescent who can't give up covering their ears with their hands and humming loud enough to drown out all opinions but their own.

If you're only interest is to talk to yourself, why hang out here?

You'll fit right in in this particular forum. :rolleyes:
ummm Dave1, let's get off on the wrong foot..after all, it's de rigeur around here. The homepage you listed in your bio is nutjob central, even if UFO's are swarming our planet at this very moment!