Good People Sustain Peaceful Lands


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The more good people in a land, the better off and more stable that land will be. I don't feel it is necessary to elaborate my theory, but I will for those who don't quite follow my point.

"Good people" put people above goods (material possessions) and give of their wealth freely to those who are truly in need. The best wealth that can be shared would teach a person to make his/her own living.

"Give a man a fish, feed him a meal, teach a man to fish, feed him for a life time."

I think this is an awesome theory. :)
The more good people in a land, the better off and more stable that land will be. I don't feel it is necessary to elaborate my theory, but I will for those who don't quite follow my point.

"Good people" put people above goods (material possessions) and give of their wealth freely to those who are truly in need. The best wealth that can be shared would teach a person to make his/her own living.

"Give a man a fish, feed him a meal, teach a man to fish, feed him for a life time."

I think this is an awesome theory. :)


Look up the Old Testament bible and see the land ownership and money leading laws established in Israel. You will see a wonderful Egalitarian society that grew very rich very quickly.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days