Good Daylight UFO Footage With Instant Disappearance, Argentina 2011


Bicho Voador & Bicho Sugador
Valued Senior Member
Here's the vid Youtube video of daylight UFO .

I reckon it's a crypto-bird which detected the watchers gaze and then fired upwards at a speed faster than the eye can see. Anyone skilled at video analysis? We need an ultra slow-motion version of this video to go any further with speculations imo.
Looks bogus, but to be able to identify that you'd have to do a couple of things.

First off if he filmed something like that on a HD camera, then he should still have the file on the camera (I know I would at least keep it on a tape or SDD) This would be the HD format without any forms of encoding.

Even a direct upload from the camera to the computer will have various tells in regards where the footage came from.

Trying to analyse a "Youtube" video is technically pointless because the overall footage will have undergone a transformation into a format that can be viewed online, so the encoding will undermine identifying how a hoax is created.

evidentially the video is also uploaded as "Alien Greys", technically if it was a true UFO it wouldn't have any association with Aliens, let alone the fictional Greys that society has created as a meme. If something like that was present in the sky at that time of day then the questions would be "Why was he the only one to see it?", "Why did nobody else video or photograph it?" and "if someone does come forwards with evidence they saw it to, why wait until now?".
Here's the vid Youtube video of daylight UFO .

I reckon it's a crypto-bird which detected the watchers gaze and then fired upwards at a speed faster than the eye can see. Anyone skilled at video analysis? We need an ultra slow-motion version of this video to go any further with speculations imo.

Well, shucks! I've been waiting a very long time to see a GOOD video (as you claimed this one was) and found it a huge disappointment. In this case, it looks like nothing more than an ordinary plane going through a cloud bank. The fact that the amateurish photographer simply was so dumb as to jerk the camera skyward is the only unusual thing about it.

Ho-hum. Go back to sleep. <yawn>
Er, complete bullshit. Why would you STOP filming at the point it appears to disappear? Wouldn't you scan around to try and locate it for at least a few seconds?

So the pan away was performed for effect, plain and simple.

along same topic here what do you skeptics think that is? i have an open mind on this but its definatly not birds.. not kite surfers

I can tell you what it's not too, it's not good enough footage to get any useful info from.

Why is 'UFO' footage always so shit? Is it, because when you can see things clearly, they start looking like normal, everyday things, like planes, birds, kites etc?
I can tell you what it's not too, it's not good enough footage to get any useful info from.

Why is 'UFO' footage always so shit? Is it, because when you can see things clearly, they start looking like normal, everyday things, like planes, birds, kites etc?

ok so tell me what it is. you cant so by definition it is a UFO, close minded skeptics like yourself make me laugh you say its not a ufo but dont give a valid explination on what it is.. weather ballons or swamp gas which one is it this time? just liek the biggest one out the the phoenix lights.. what do you think of that? flares? thats been debunked. aircraft? also debunked. chinese lanters? debunked.. helicopters? debunked you have no answer for that either
ok so tell me what it is. you cant so by definition it is a UFO, close minded skeptics like yourself make me laugh you say its not a ufo but dont give a valid explination on what it is.. weather ballons or swamp gas which one is it this time? just liek the biggest one out the the phoenix lights.. what do you think of that? flares? thats been debunked. aircraft? also debunked. chinese lanters? debunked.. helicopters? debunked you have no answer for that either

You should watch this video:
ok so tell me what it is. you cant so by definition it is a UFO, close minded skeptics like yourself make me laugh you say its not a ufo but dont give a valid explination on what it is.. weather ballons or swamp gas which one is it this time? just liek the biggest one out the the phoenix lights.. what do you think of that? flares? thats been debunked. aircraft? also debunked. chinese lanters? debunked.. helicopters? debunked you have no answer for that either
I'm glad there's one person with an open mind willing to discuss the possiblities of a genuine phenomenon. I appreciate that video analysis from youtube will be fruitless which is a shame. The negativity from the die-hards puts me off making any more posts. I'll wait until another piece of evidence/footage comes along. It won't be long.
ok so tell me what it is.

I would say it's a fake, given the cut away ending. If it were real, the person taking the video would have kept looking in the sky for the object,... it only becomes a mystery disappearance once the person looking can't has given up. They gave up looking a bit quickly, didn't they? Like it was scripted?

you cant so by definition it is a UFO,

No. Venus gets reported a a UFO, it isn't a UFO because some dumb ass doesn't know what it is. This itemcould have been a reflection of something, then it wasn't 'FLYING' was it? You can't claim it was an Unidentified FLYING Object, until you prove it was FLYING.

close minded skeptics like yourself make me laugh

You need to watch that video Mac linked.

you say its not a ufo

Where did I say that? Quote me.

but dont give a valid explination on what it is..

That's not my job, kid. Like I said, if you could actually read, and if you even attempted comprehension, THE VIDEO IS SO SHIT IT'S HARD TO TELL WHAT IT MIGHT BE.

just liek the biggest one out the the phoenix lights.. what do you think of that? flares? thats been debunked.

Jesus boy, go do some reading, you embarrass yourself:

"The United States Air Force identified the second group of lights as flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft that were on training exercises at the Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona. "


If the 'Truth is Out There' you'd better hope it's not written down, or you'll never find it.
I would say it's a fake, given the cut away ending. If it were real, the person taking the video would have kept looking in the sky for the object,... it only becomes a mystery disappearance once the person looking can't has given up. They gave up looking a bit quickly, didn't they? Like it was scripted?

No. Venus gets reported a a UFO, it isn't a UFO because some dumb ass doesn't know what it is. This itemcould have been a reflection of something, then it wasn't 'FLYING' was it? You can't claim it was an Unidentified FLYING Object, until you prove it was FLYING.

You need to watch that video Mac linked.

Where did I say that? Quote me.

That's not my job, kid. Like I said, if you could actually read, and if you even attempted comprehension, THE VIDEO IS SO SHIT IT'S HARD TO TELL WHAT IT MIGHT BE.

Jesus boy, go do some reading, you embarrass yourself:

"The United States Air Force identified the second group of lights as flares dropped by A-10 Warthog aircraft that were on training exercises at the Barry Goldwater Range in southwest Arizona. "


If the 'Truth is Out There' you'd better hope it's not written down, or you'll never find it.

bahaha your serious. i have looked it up and heard that bullshit answer they show what flares look like.. they did a side by side 100% of people said that is not what they saw.. these people arnt nuts from the backwoods they are doctors officers and people with high stature logical people.. so unless the military has a flare that doesnt produce any smoke "which is STRONGLY visable" that can stay in the aire for 2-30 min.. and stay 100% equadistant from eachother this isnt what it was..

8-10k people saw this you did not neither did the skeptic that confirmed the report so the 8-10k people who say it 100% of them were wrong and th 20 skeptics who didnt see it in person were 100% right? comeone

and why the fuck are you calling me boy and kid? can i call you douchbag then?

by the way its agianst federal law to test fire flairs over a city.. and its know that the lights were directly over the city
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What seems strange about this footage is the cameraman's reaction when the "ufo" disappears, instead of continuing to film to see whether it reappears he immediately takes the camera off.
bahaha your serious. i have looked it up and heard that bullshit answer they show what flares look like.. they did a side by side 100% of people said that is not what they saw.. these people arnt nuts from the backwoods they are doctors officers and people with high stature logical people.. so unless the military has a flare that doesnt produce any smoke "which is STRONGLY visable" that can stay in the aire for 2-30 min.. and stay 100% equadistant from eachother this isnt what it was..

8-10k people saw this you did not neither did the skeptic that confirmed the report so the 8-10k people who say it 100% of them were wrong and th 20 skeptics who didnt see it in person were 100% right? comeone

and why the fuck are you calling me boy and kid? can i call you douchbag then?

by the way its agianst federal law to test fire flairs over a city.. and its know that the lights were directly over the city

1, Learn to spell kid.
2, Research the subject.
3, Don't make unsubstantiated, and wild claims.

The Phoenix lights were more than one event. Initially it was planes, then people saw flares. This is why the eyewitness reports DO NOT AGREE 100%.
What seems strange about this footage is the cameraman's reaction when the "ufo" disappears, instead of continuing to film to see whether it reappears he immediately takes the camera off.
No, I disagree. His actions seem perfectly understandable and rational imo. Imagine looking through a viewfinder at something in the distance (of any instrument) and then following it's course. If it suddenly disappears, your first reaction is to check your peripheral vision, which can only be done by removing the lens from your eye. I've done what he's done a number of times. Even looking through binoculars at a visible satellite moving across the night sky. As soon as the image is lost, it's very hard to regain it without first re-positioning yourself with your normal vision and then focusing in with the binoculars afterwards. His reactions are perfectly believable and the norm. Get real, please.
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1, Learn to spell kid.
2, Research the subject.
3, Don't make unsubstantiated, and wild claims.

The Phoenix lights were more than one event. Initially it was planes, then people saw flares. This is why the eyewitness reports DO NOT AGREE 100%.

1.again i told you not to call me kid
2. i have and u could put 1million people float a blaloon in the air at a distance and not everyone will agree 100% thats one of the most idiotic defences
3. they arent unsubstantiated. they have thousands of credable witnesses that one lady interviewed over 700 people all but a child had the EXACT same description. you have yet to point any evidence other than flares.. and airplanes which have both been debuned

ok flares.. please link me to flares that last 20+ minutes and emit NO SMOKE
1 link an aircraft that can fly in formation at the exact same speed sub 100mph and make no noise what so ever.. ad they do not break formation even the slightest bit
1.again i told you not to call me kid

Whenever someone acts, talks, thinks and even types like a kid, they ARE a kid - so the label fits you perfectly. And it matters not what the calender might indicate about you, you're still just a kid.

When you've grown up enough to understand how an adult thinks and reasons and what they base their conclusions upon, THEN people will stop calling you a kid.

Meanwhile, stay in school - you sure need it !! - and deal with the fact that you really ARE just a kid!!:bugeye: