Golden rules like: "Do onto others as you would wish them do onto you." (from Talmud)


Could you post some great golden rules in life, you heard/know of?

"Do not onto others what you would wish not them do onto you." (from Talmud, Shabbat)

Talmud was before Jesus' new testament.
"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowmen. That is the entire law; all the rest is commentary."

That's from Judaism, and I think it makes the point better than the common one which you posted. Although, to make the best possible point, they must be combined.
Yeah, that version is much better than the common golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" as the current way forces you to do what you like to others, but what you like might not be what others like. The Judaic version kind of leaves the rights to privacy which doesn't force you to do actions to others.

- N
Yeah, that version is much better than the common golden rule of "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" as the current way forces you to do what you like to others, but what you like might not be what others like. The Judaic version kind of leaves the rights to privacy which doesn't force you to do actions to others.

- N
wow, a great analisys, sounds great, to me.
I should have added, 'and always be in love (be friends).' It's used mainly in family situations more in the context of where somebody gives you a cheap gift, you do likewise; if they don't invite you to their house you do likewise etc. It's like, you'll always be my brother and I'll love you, but fuck you too.
Hear thou, Loddfaffnir, and heed it well,
learn it, 'twill lend thee strength,
follow it, 'twill further thee:
in ill deeds not ever share,
but be thou glad to do good.

- Odin, Stanza 128 "The Sayings of Har" (Havamal), the Poetic Edda.
Companionship always entails receiving an insult without getting angry.

Exactly! If they insult you, you insult them back and stay chilled. There comes a time when you say enough is enough and you're not going to stand being taken for a cunt anymore. In the case of close family where they have proved time and time again that they not only don't apreciate all the good you have done for them but actually deny it and prefer to substitute their own reality on the situation, then it's time to do unto them what they do to you, it's simple as that.
So do you descend to their level, then?

And if you do, whats the difference between the two of you?

I was joking Sam! Althouh, no doubt many people think I'm a cunt and would happily treat me as such. I tend to think it rather than act upon it.