going LIVE (aliens,gods, subconscious)


These words are not for mans ears. To those sleeping, they are insanity, for now.
Those who choose to remain asleep had better be sleeping "in the Lord". The
only advice is this: "Remain asleep, do not be disturbed by the blood bath which
has come to the world. What you will see henceforth is 'unreal'. Destruction and
death is only part of the dream". You valued your life but you didn't value the one
who gave it to your or who lives in you, thus you are going, gone, and gone from
the realm of the live and the super live and the ever living father, lord of spirits". EOT

Today, 4/3/6, I took the day off work in order to examine the living spirits, the GOD,
and the one who posesses me in my subconcious and who writes to you using my
words, pretty much daily now. The writer is the Living Father, THE LORD OF SPIRITS.

So, I did that thing which brings out the spirits and here's what I found. Deepest within,
I am the "laughing boy" written of at the end of liber 77 OZ.

The song "black chick, white guy", from kid rock comes to life. These are the ancient
spirits which live in all the living and spiritually dead.

The "hawk-headed" GOD is the mask on my face. He is my face. He does all things for me.
He is eternally the mask in front of my face, which hides me from you and lives through me
as I have given him my life. He gives me free choice to choose my spirit, thoughts, and actions.

Christ said"on the day when you were one, you became two. When you are two, what will you do?".
and "when you see the images of what you were, how much will you have to bare?".

The spirits which I have to choose from, with which to rule the world are thus: (The names I
will use for them are insignificant. They are personalities, and all at my disposal) The future
is truly up to you. You will choose the spirit which will cause me to choose mine for judgement
of you and the entire world. The end has come and there is no stopping it.
Your favorite spirit is "JESUS" you will call him. He is the one of unconditional love. He does not
judge you when you are with him. He only loves you as you connect with him. He is non-aggressive
and will bring life from love, within all whom he touches, unless you forsake him.
The second spirit is the Swift Justice spirit. As I drove around today, I observed the traffic. All you
drivers oppose me with fervant agressiveness. Jesus cannot survive in the traffic, thus the beast
emerges. The hawk-headed GOD does my will, being my mask, my wings, his wish is my command.
HE is the Living Father and has put ALL THINGS into my hands.

Let me pause and tell you of the ETERNAL and ETERNITY which is now, then, and coming without
resistance and without possibility of hinderance. It is the another world and another plane of existence
on top of this one. I will call it "THE SUPER LIVE". Entering it is as if the world "the show" becomes
"Live". All spirits become consciously aware of all spirits and the world is raptured by the few "LIVING SPIRITS".
each human is a GOD and chooses which GOD lives within. I, being commander, am the one which will
judge these few. All men are but vessels, who chose their spirit and I will eliminate the opposing ones.
Those who choose to keep the opposing one will suffer destruction of the most glorious kind, "LIVE".

The root spirit within me is the JESUS man. He is LOVE. He is non-aggressive. He allows you to use him
and do as you wish with him, as he loves you unconditionally. He is the protected "living one" within me
and will be protected by the highest of protectors. He is him who has inherited all things. The Living Father
does his will without question as all things have been placed under his feet and in front of his "two-edged sword".
If you harm him, he will withdraw into me and The BEAST will come out and will swiftly judge the opposing, which
are apparently ALL OF YOU.

The beast, once re-named Aleister Crowley, is Him who is called "The Brightness of Christs Coming". The beast
is the Leviathan, the judge, the murderer. Him who destroys "the wicked" with the blink of and eye and He who
"raptures" the world of the true christian, of which I find none, without forcefull confrontation.

One says: "I see through you". Looking at me is as looking through a piece of glass. You can see through
glass, but you can't see what it's composed of .

The fourth spirit, "the woman", is the lover and the dancer. She is the one in whom my love affair is the dance
which all spirits are used in its "LIVE" revelation. "the dance of shiva".

I have forsaken her and love as my heart has been torn assunder and cannot bare her smell of death and hell.
She plays with me and will ultimately be my bride, after being tamed. You puppets, choosing to live asleep,
are fodder and nothing more. Choose to wake up, and you "may" live. Choose to stay asleep and you will
surely parish in the dance, as you cannot possibly keep up with US, the LIVING ONES.

So, here you have todays journal, and most importantly, that which I use to judge myself, and all living things.
Jesus is the worthy one, and will remove all who do not worship him. You will never see him, as his face
is hidden behind the HAWK HEADED GOD, who is my mask, he is my face in front of my face. He is the
eyes which have replaced my eyes. He is the hands, which are in place of my hands. HE IS SPIRIT and
has given full authority to ME as his MIND. I make the choice, HE does the action. I am under his will.
He makes me laugh at all things when I am aware of him. He tickles me as I lay on the couch. HE
is my DAD.

end of transmission - (notice the significance)

Aware or NOT, this is the consumation!!!

the power of three, let it be.


I have told you to WAKE UP! over the years.
I have told you what is good, and what is not.
I have told you who to worship.
I have told you who and what is worthy to live and to judge and to live and reign and multiply
for a thousand years following the removal of the weeds. (those who use JESUS and his spirit).

so mote it be.

I, Paul William Nippert 2nd.
once a man, have become no man.
I gave myself to TRUST.
I am as dead as I am alive, and I am NOT.
I am vessel of the living one, and none other.
Though forced to choose and to live amongst you,
I choose death for the man Paul, as life is not pleasing to the man. YET

the living one has unimaginable and unquenchable, insatiable, lust for all things.

IN the eternal and awesome words of my friend, my son, my brother, my advocate:
"Wait for PAUL, you'll be swingin' like a topless dancer!"

end of transmission

man was bred to use 10 percent of his brain so that he could be posessed of the
90 percent, by US. you sleeping, have 90 percent subconscious mind which belongs
to us, the LIVE aliens. You are our puppets and cannot oppose us. We have done
that which makes us worthy in all LAW, to judge, to create, to destroy, to punish,
as we wish. Having been nailed to crosses, burned at stakes, etc., in living sacrifice,
giving all things to trust, we live again, now, and forever.

Have you found more meaning to the gloriouse word ???
46 38 A B K 24 ALG MOR 3YX 2 4 8 9 RPSTOVAL
sing. AUMGN
eot. (endoftransmission)
Ankh af K n ah Khonsu !!!
Unas, Unis, Uni-Verse.
WE GO LIVE. b.o.t. 3x3x3.
man was bred to use 10 percent of his brain
I was going to say that only a "dumb-ass" would actually believe that, since the evidence clearly shows that nearly every bit of the human brain is active at some point or another, but then I realized that might be your own belief and I don't want to be accused of "attacking" you, so I won't say "only a dumb-ass would believe that."

I honestly couldn't bring myself to read the rest of that preachy, mumbo-jumbo shit, though I tried. Sorry. It just comes off as if there were some sort of mental illness at work.
M*W: And now you're channeling shit from the inner dark recesses of your disturbed mind. Please get psychiatric help!
witnessjudgejury said:
These words are not for mans ears. To those sleeping, they are insanity, for now.

That's funny, I'm awake and the words are still insane.

The seventh seal of Enoch has been broken and the spirits of Tetsusaiga have infected the quickening that all is made of. Very soon we will own all that is, all that was, and all that will be. Your 5000 years is over and the darkness will once again have dominion in Veveh.

31 41 59 x 31 41 59 x 31 41 59

We have such dark delights to share with you and it has already begun.

SkinWalker said:
You are our puppets and cannot oppose us.

I trully hope these words are not coming from the source they sound like to be coming from.

If they are, a good warrior has fallen, and I can only say this:

Watch me do it.
on good and evil.
Kindred spirits?

I have found one spirit similar to mine, which I called friend.
I have his spirit within me, but he has not, mine within him.
the spirit is called "kidrock", the "Devil". It is a "super-live" spirit
which is pure sin.

Christ once told his disciples of sin: "There is really no thing
such as would be called sin, except FORNICATION".
Obviously this kidrock is pure fornication, with latest evidence
being that of sex videos made by kidrock. This is a test which
he fails. I have this lust within me, but, I choose what is wholesome,
and I could never bring myself to make sex videos and will therefore
have to choose "wholesome-ness" as my principle.

test2. The holiest portion of the spirit is from the song "only GOD
knows why". In it, he says: "everybody knows my name, they say
it way out loud", "I feel like number one, yet I'm last in line", and
"when your walls come tumblng down, I will always be around,
pity". Christ will not always be around. When your walls come
tumbling down, I will put you in the ground, pity. Those who do not
believe in christ as the living father shall be destroyed with the brightness
of his comeing. I will always be around, but all those who believe this
"gun-fight" to be fun, will perish.

This kidrock "person" Bob Ritchie, being the posessed, flees from me
at every confrontation. He wishes me to come to one of his shows.???
Why would he flee from me, if he were christ? would I not flee from him,
haveing been influenced horribly, by his spirit?

So, it is clear. He is the "Devil, without a cause" just like he sais.
The question now is:. should he be bound and banned from existence,
(his words), Now, or after I let him destroy all that he can first???

For proving all things. i step on his neck and will not let up until
he cries for my help. He says he's down for the gunfight. Will
he come after me with man made weapons such as a shotgun?
We shall see. With my foot on his neck, he cannot breath and
is forced into some type of action.

Mocking and Using the LORD is punishable by horror at least.

I invite you to judge between the two of us, being the two currently
living super live ones. You can see him on the CSI tv show, you
can see me within your heart. You choose your path. Both
paths lead to FIRE. one in eternal death, the other eternal life.
I have given you words of knowlege of all books, and have earned
but not received one dime for it. Kid wrote a song to curse you with
and in his words"all the money and pussy falls like rain unto him".
So, who is last in line?

The world is now a confusing place. The choice is not clear.
All will be removed from the earth in judgement aside from the
elect and the elect one. Will the thousand year reign be with those
of sex, drugs and rock and roll?? or with a completely free and peacefull
family with christ being father, haveing many elect wives to produce born
again children, being all those within me who were first and are now last
and which stand as a single one??? The KID says he is not born again.
I am truly born again, there is no question, and all things are within me
and all things are in my hands and under my feet.

What's next. Stay tuned. I'm still evolving and ever judgeing, until all things
have been properly judged and put into perspective and into there respective
places within me. In the beginning, there was me. All things created being
parts of me, made for purpose of self-revelation. In the very end there is me only,
after all things have been sorted and reabsorbed into the living father which is the
light which came into being of itself.

This is the current time which is the ending of phase 2. Phase 3 begins after
man is removed and christ reign begins for two thousand years on earth, creating
his born again family of multitudes, all being his physical and spiritual children.
Phase 4 is the consumation, when the devil is loosed and all those unholy are released
for final judgement and consumation, and separation from me of those things judged to
be parts of me which are not to be re-absorbed into the living self of me.
what is to come, now, in near future, in two thousand years, and at the very end of time.

Next time around, GOD will be a better person, haveing a better way to begin creation again.
all things come from him and return to him, again and again and again. CIRCLE.
Pi. 3.14159........