God's wrath on abortion



My dearest most loving mother had only one fault.
She did not abort me.
It was not her fault, she tried.

The fault was with the pro-life decadents I was born to curse with God’s bloodthirsty vengeance, wrath, disease and decay … to smite them and curse them for forcing society to ban the abortions God so desperately needs to limit the numbers of his exploited and utterly neglected poor, starving and sick masses.

Now it is my duty to inflict God’s most Righteous wrath
on all the pro-life deviants and decadents
who use fetuses as the lamest excuse
to ignore God’s billions of utterly neglected and exploited
poor, starving and sick masses.

And then I had to laugh
because it was all just a dream
about a missed abortion.
genep said:
My dearest most loving mother had only one fault.
She did not abort me. It was not her fault, she tried.

The fault was with the pro-life decadents I was born to curse with God’s bloodthirsty vengeance, wrath, disease and decay … to smite them and curse them for forcing society to ban the abortions God so desperately needs to limit the numbers of his exploited and utterly neglected poor, starving and sick masses.

Now it is my duty to inflict God’s most Righteous wrath
on all the pro-life deviants and decadents who use fetuses as the lamest excuse to ignore God’s billions of utterly neglected and exploited poor, starving and sick masses.

And then I had to laugh because it was all just a dream
about a missed abortion.
M*W: Hey, genep. I'm glad you're here. What an amazing revelation! I hope you're mother is happy too.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: Hey, genep. I'm glad you're here. What an amazing revelation! I hope you're mother is happy too.

If there was any justice in the world then men and pro-lifers would get fucked so they could have the abortions women are forced to get to live mostly in poverty, shame and guilt.

I think of Jonathan Swift and his “A Modest Proposal” – it is probably more relevant today than when he was alive. If there was any justice in the world we would have laws that forced pro-lifers to buy and raise, or eat, all the children of the starving masses until there was no more poverty and starvation. Maybe when they have to eat a few children to help the starving masses, as Swift so modestly suggests, maybe then these pro-lifers will worry less about fetuses and put more money, time and effort to help the billions of starving masses.

-- but all this has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that in the NOW everything comes together in a timeless perfection that not even god can imagine.
Crunchy Cat said:
M*W: "Ouch" was not implied by my comment. I hope it all worked out for him. I've known women who attempted to abort and then gave births to healthy babies whom they loved and cherished. That's what I meant.
genep you have no need to feel guilty for someone else ideology.
curse them for forcing society to ban the abortions God so desperately needs to limit the numbers of his exploited and utterly neglected poor, starving and sick masses.
Propaganda is lame no matter what side or source it comes from.

Makes you want to barf.

The 'world is overpopulated' lie is just the creepy Germans trying to sell their genocidal ideas again, because they are afraid of being overrun by Blacks, Jews, and swarthy Slavs.

I note with sadness that while every other continent has at most a million or two AIDS cases, Southern Africa has over 25,000,000 AIDS cases (all of which are Blacks). Which tells me clearly two things:

(1) Where AIDS is coming from.

(2) Who is doing it to whom.