God's view on global warming?


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
Anybody who gets answers by praying or talking to god, could you ask him for me?

What is his view on GW? Possible answers:

a/ It is all going according to the divine plans.
b/ Those stupid humans messing up my creation.
c/ This is just a challenge for my beloved children.
d/ This is a sign of the endtimes.
e/ It is natural, nothing to worry about.
f/ Hey, I am God and even I can't predict the weather!
I can't speak for God, but I assume that God's view on global warming, if it is a fact, is that we're responsible for it, even though He knew it would happen and made us so that we would be responsible for it.

He's not responsible for it, even if He's in control of all and knows all and creates all.
I think God should be given a break.
sure He knows what will happen, when it will happen and how it will happen, and sure He's the one that created the premises for it to happen, but isn't Sunday His day off?

I mean, enough is enough.
there is no GW

Sorry, but global warming is real. The only question is whether or not we are the cause of it.

But the choices for the answers are kind of strange.

a/ It is all going according to the divine plans.

If we have free will, how is there a "plan"?

b/ Those stupid humans messing up my creation.

If there is a God that resembles the one of popular creation myths, then that would be his most likely answer.

c/ This is just a challenge for my beloved children.

Considering the amount of people, plants, and other animals that will die as a result of global warming, I'd call it more than a "challenge". And if that's what he calls a challenge, he's an a-hole.

d/ This is a sign of the endtimes.

It's going to take more than global warming to bring about the end of the world. Not even direct exposure to a gamma ray burst would kill all life on earth.

e/ It is natural, nothing to worry about.

It could be natural. Well, even if we are responsible for it, there's nothing we can do to stop it now, so it might as well be natural.

f/ Hey, I am God and even I can't predict the weather!
