Gods that Don't Kill People


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Just in case I might have missed one along the way. Has there ever been a god that ruled over Earth or various parts of it that didn't kill people? I know I've read of many that killed humans but has there ever been one that didn't?
The Gnostic interpretation of the "true" God didn't kill people, as I recall.

Then again, I'm not sure he actually knows that we're here either.
The violence of deities is usually portrayed as a flipside of their virtue. The Gods punish mortals because they are evil...so the punishment is 'good'.
The deist vision of God (of Descartes for example) depicts a deity who doesnt interfere in the affairs of humans in any way...positive or negative.

Like a clock maker who winds up the universe, and then steps back to watch it tick.
I don't think Prometheus did, or at least not directly. Jim carey hasn't, or at least not in my version of BRUCE ALMIGHTY. So there is two. I will keep thinking and looking but in the mean time why?
You can kill the body, but you cannot kill the soul
No, but you can torture the soul for all eternity...a Christian specialty.

I would say the Hindu Gods are the least violent, for the simple reason that they are relieved of their wrathful duties by the miraculous workings of karma.
izanagi, izanami, the following sennin, Seiobo, Gama, Chokaro, Shishi,

and the luck gods,

jurojinm and im not sure about bishamon because he was a warrior god.

Ch'eng-Huang : Chinese god of walls and ditches. Each village had their own Ch'eng-Huang.

Erh-Lang : Chinese god who chased away evil spirits, the great restorer, the sustainer. He is invoked for protection.

Fu-Hsing : Chinese god of happiness. Symbolizes destiny, fate, love, happiness, and success.

Hou-chi : Chinese god of harvest and agriculture. Depicted as a kindly old man with stalks growing from his scalp.

Hsuan-T'ien-Shang-Ti : Chinese god who removes demons and evil spirits.

I-ti : Chinese god of wine.

Kue'i-Hsing : Chinese god of safe travels, tests, literature, and students.

Lao-Tien-Yeh : Chinese great god.

Lei-Kung : Chinese god of retribution and thunder. He makes thunder with his hammer, chases away evil spirits, and punishes criminals whose crimes have gone undetected.

Lu-Hsing : Chinese god of salaries, wages, and employment. Symbolizes success, prosperity, earned wealth, justice.

Lu-Pan : Chinese god of carpenters and masons. Symbolizes artistic talent and fame.

kuan ti was the god of war so i suppose he killed people, and chu jung was god of killing people so he doesent count maybe,

Just in case I might have missed one along the way. Has there ever been a god that ruled over Earth or various parts of it that didn't kill people? I know I've read of many that killed humans but has there ever been one that didn't?
I am sure that in the many pantheons of Gods there are Gods and Goddesses from Greek, Chinese, Roman, Egyptian, Japaneses, etc... that didn't kill people.